Lets see, want to do an update about what has been going on the last month or so.
I have been really stressed about life lately. So it was good i finally went down to part time at the ambassador so i can actually have time to do things this summer. While I am not quite making enough to pay my bills as is, with my new work load, i have plenty saved to take the time off. Will keep this set up for the next month or so maybe. Do not want to waste all my saving but I do need the break since I can afford to.
I am working on a number of things with my time. I am going to get my license..finally, lol. Reading up more on biology, chemistry and working on my writing.
My random orange cat, name still undecided, is doing well. He is much larger and healthier now. Despite his tendency to get into trouble and break things all is well with him atm. Cannot blame for that, one he is a cat...and two he is still a kid really.
Went to go see the body works at the museum with Kris at like 2 in the morning, as it was open 24hours for the last weekend. Was the best time to go, as it would be the best time for a zombie upraising if nothing else. The lack of crowds made it ideal as well though. Was very subjective experience for me at least. It was both very interesting, from an anatomy stand point, as well as mildly disturbing for its ability to put my mortally in context. Most of the displays were compelling but did not have any real negative effect on me. More respect, and awe of the complexity that makes up our functionality. A few did cause more disquiet.
The muscle man, and mr bones, the muscle structure and bones of the same person, standing in a congo line touching the others shoulder was a bit to real. Was to silly to objectively observe so it was more personable about the connection between the loss of ones self. if that makes since to any one but me. The bones trying to hold on to the mass that made the body up, was a potent metaphor for clinging to life for me.
The birds that they plasticized all the artery's then removed all the other tissue so it was merely a mist, of fine tendrils. A vague red blur of all the circular system and nothing else was very beautiful.
I did pause for a long time in reflection at the developmental fetus and think on where rachel was along in her pregnancy. Not in a morbid way mind you. Most life that could be never is, and there is nothing to gained by mourning the what ifs. While I feel that i still stood in quiet complementation for long time once again on the prospects of me being a father. That standing in juxtaposition with the finite nature of life that was before me. Despite rachels vague assurances that the her forth coming son is not mine, as nether she or I can know for certain until he is born,the possibly still is there, and thus it was hangover me until i know for sure in august.
That aside, I did really enjoy the exhibit. I had heard of the work at least 5 years earlier and had been eager to see it. So was nice to have finally had the chance to see it for my self.
After getting home at like 5-6am, and taking a quick nap, I went to finally do my taxes at 10. got home again at like 11, and killed the next 2-3 hours cleaning until jake called me to come help him move the last of his stuff into his new place in riverwest.
Then later helped xbox scott move as well. Moving by hand the last of his things to his new apt. Then helped dust and clean is place. Went to landmark afterward so scott could buy me a drink for helping.
Now i have the rest of sunday before me to enjoy until i work tomorrow night. yea!
Other then the last few days I have been trying to be more actively social. So hopefully I will see some of you out there in the real world in the coming summer
I have been really stressed about life lately. So it was good i finally went down to part time at the ambassador so i can actually have time to do things this summer. While I am not quite making enough to pay my bills as is, with my new work load, i have plenty saved to take the time off. Will keep this set up for the next month or so maybe. Do not want to waste all my saving but I do need the break since I can afford to.
I am working on a number of things with my time. I am going to get my license..finally, lol. Reading up more on biology, chemistry and working on my writing.
My random orange cat, name still undecided, is doing well. He is much larger and healthier now. Despite his tendency to get into trouble and break things all is well with him atm. Cannot blame for that, one he is a cat...and two he is still a kid really.
Went to go see the body works at the museum with Kris at like 2 in the morning, as it was open 24hours for the last weekend. Was the best time to go, as it would be the best time for a zombie upraising if nothing else. The lack of crowds made it ideal as well though. Was very subjective experience for me at least. It was both very interesting, from an anatomy stand point, as well as mildly disturbing for its ability to put my mortally in context. Most of the displays were compelling but did not have any real negative effect on me. More respect, and awe of the complexity that makes up our functionality. A few did cause more disquiet.
The muscle man, and mr bones, the muscle structure and bones of the same person, standing in a congo line touching the others shoulder was a bit to real. Was to silly to objectively observe so it was more personable about the connection between the loss of ones self. if that makes since to any one but me. The bones trying to hold on to the mass that made the body up, was a potent metaphor for clinging to life for me.
The birds that they plasticized all the artery's then removed all the other tissue so it was merely a mist, of fine tendrils. A vague red blur of all the circular system and nothing else was very beautiful.
I did pause for a long time in reflection at the developmental fetus and think on where rachel was along in her pregnancy. Not in a morbid way mind you. Most life that could be never is, and there is nothing to gained by mourning the what ifs. While I feel that i still stood in quiet complementation for long time once again on the prospects of me being a father. That standing in juxtaposition with the finite nature of life that was before me. Despite rachels vague assurances that the her forth coming son is not mine, as nether she or I can know for certain until he is born,the possibly still is there, and thus it was hangover me until i know for sure in august.
That aside, I did really enjoy the exhibit. I had heard of the work at least 5 years earlier and had been eager to see it. So was nice to have finally had the chance to see it for my self.
After getting home at like 5-6am, and taking a quick nap, I went to finally do my taxes at 10. got home again at like 11, and killed the next 2-3 hours cleaning until jake called me to come help him move the last of his stuff into his new place in riverwest.
Then later helped xbox scott move as well. Moving by hand the last of his things to his new apt. Then helped dust and clean is place. Went to landmark afterward so scott could buy me a drink for helping.
Now i have the rest of sunday before me to enjoy until i work tomorrow night. yea!
Other then the last few days I have been trying to be more actively social. So hopefully I will see some of you out there in the real world in the coming summer

The body works was based off medical science experiments with body preservation, rather then to strictly be solely a spectical.