My Hand
I was taking a room service tray out of the elevator tonight, and some house keep had a broken wine glass hidden under a napkin. So when i picked up the tray the glass jumped out like a knife to cut a big gouge out of my hand stabbing me.
nothing really that bad, though a bit deep, hurts a bunch now though, so I am bloging about it to the no one that reads oh well can read this later some day and remember it maybe.
On a better note am riding me bike to work again so i feel a little less depressed then i have lately. Though the MORE snow we have tomorrow and this week end will put a stop to it for the weekend will start again on monday I think. Forgot how good it feel to glide flying across the land powered only by your own energy and exploited physics.
I am mostly settled in the new place now...still no neat name for my neo villae but will think of something soon I am sure. After three versions of Snargs House of Sin, and two of the Fortress of Solitude need something capture my attempts at community involvement as well as hope for better days.
I have to say after years of living in basements, attics, closets..having my own house to my self is nice.
I theory i should be very happy. I have my own bachelor pad, nothing to hold me down, could pay off my school loans very soon, while not happy at work i am not miserable either.
I just feel like I am not close to any one any more. I hang out with Pinky, and Kris from time to time, but that is about it. Even they are a bit distant wrapped up in their own worlds raising kids, living.
I go to work, read the news online, maybe play some games, read books, sleep, and that is about it.
I am going to try to start pushing myself to be learning again, take up again on chemistry, some foreign languages, and math.
I am going to try to go back to school this summer, this fall for sure, I am wasting away. I need to be involved in something of some significance.
I guess i will watch the rest of the 3rd season of arrested Devopment to make happy, or finish re-reading johnny got his gun to be sadder..then go to sleep.
And hope my pillow will drift away to life worth living.
I was taking a room service tray out of the elevator tonight, and some house keep had a broken wine glass hidden under a napkin. So when i picked up the tray the glass jumped out like a knife to cut a big gouge out of my hand stabbing me.
nothing really that bad, though a bit deep, hurts a bunch now though, so I am bloging about it to the no one that reads oh well can read this later some day and remember it maybe.
On a better note am riding me bike to work again so i feel a little less depressed then i have lately. Though the MORE snow we have tomorrow and this week end will put a stop to it for the weekend will start again on monday I think. Forgot how good it feel to glide flying across the land powered only by your own energy and exploited physics.
I am mostly settled in the new place now...still no neat name for my neo villae but will think of something soon I am sure. After three versions of Snargs House of Sin, and two of the Fortress of Solitude need something capture my attempts at community involvement as well as hope for better days.
I have to say after years of living in basements, attics, closets..having my own house to my self is nice.
I theory i should be very happy. I have my own bachelor pad, nothing to hold me down, could pay off my school loans very soon, while not happy at work i am not miserable either.
I just feel like I am not close to any one any more. I hang out with Pinky, and Kris from time to time, but that is about it. Even they are a bit distant wrapped up in their own worlds raising kids, living.
I go to work, read the news online, maybe play some games, read books, sleep, and that is about it.
I am going to try to start pushing myself to be learning again, take up again on chemistry, some foreign languages, and math.
I am going to try to go back to school this summer, this fall for sure, I am wasting away. I need to be involved in something of some significance.
I guess i will watch the rest of the 3rd season of arrested Devopment to make happy, or finish re-reading johnny got his gun to be sadder..then go to sleep.
And hope my pillow will drift away to life worth living.
Samba dance here is a popular, and I think we know very shaking