The past few weeks have been nothing but ups and downs with the farm boy, but now things seem to be okay again. Let's hope so. Just a few small misinterpretations of text messages, because you can't pick up tone, so things were just a little awkward. Joined a gym Saturday, orientation was supposed to be today, but I realized I had nothing to wear to said gym, so I rescheduled and went shopping. Lol.
Should be good now. Just got a few pairs of guys shorts, one pair of women's work out pants, some black 'a' shirts and a few guy's v-necks.... i prefer coverage. Lol. And two sports bras and short shorts for pole fitness classes. Woohoo. On the road to self improvement.
Dieting, and doing well with it for the most part. We'll see how this goes.
I got wasted the other night at work, my shift technically ended at midnight...because the new girl was there, so I just let her have free rein and took the opportunity to drink... well, more like one customer that was buying his buddies a round every ten minutes, and throwing a shot my way here and there decided I was going to be his new drinking buddy. 8 shots and two mixed drinks in an hour... and getting tipped well, yeah, I totalllllly took one for the team. Lol.
Then had to have a customer be my designated driver, went to Eat n Park, accidentally body checked a waitress, hit some hooker in the face with the cardboard things they put on the table, had a two minute conversation with a guy that walked into the ladies room.......... while I'm standing in front of the sink with my pants around my ankles because I was adjusting the lace up garters that I didn't bother to take off after work, then climbed on top of a Jeep Grand Cherokee the guy that had walked into the women's restroom was driving, which he then proceeded to get into said Jeep and almost drive away with me on top of it, but he stopped and gave me time to get down, thank goodness. Lol. Oh, and I impressed everyone with my ability to consume mass amounts of food. Lol. Thank goodness I don't get hung over!!!! Very happy about that.
Now, I'm waiting to hear from farmboy as to whether or not he's coming over, I'm going with not since he got out of the gym late and has to be up early for work.... if he doesn't come over, I'm torn between drawing and doing a little house work, or sleep. Hmmm.

Dieting, and doing well with it for the most part. We'll see how this goes.
I got wasted the other night at work, my shift technically ended at midnight...because the new girl was there, so I just let her have free rein and took the opportunity to drink... well, more like one customer that was buying his buddies a round every ten minutes, and throwing a shot my way here and there decided I was going to be his new drinking buddy. 8 shots and two mixed drinks in an hour... and getting tipped well, yeah, I totalllllly took one for the team. Lol.
Then had to have a customer be my designated driver, went to Eat n Park, accidentally body checked a waitress, hit some hooker in the face with the cardboard things they put on the table, had a two minute conversation with a guy that walked into the ladies room.......... while I'm standing in front of the sink with my pants around my ankles because I was adjusting the lace up garters that I didn't bother to take off after work, then climbed on top of a Jeep Grand Cherokee the guy that had walked into the women's restroom was driving, which he then proceeded to get into said Jeep and almost drive away with me on top of it, but he stopped and gave me time to get down, thank goodness. Lol. Oh, and I impressed everyone with my ability to consume mass amounts of food. Lol. Thank goodness I don't get hung over!!!! Very happy about that.
Now, I'm waiting to hear from farmboy as to whether or not he's coming over, I'm going with not since he got out of the gym late and has to be up early for work.... if he doesn't come over, I'm torn between drawing and doing a little house work, or sleep. Hmmm.