I'm alive! It's been a rather eventful leave of absence, though, I must say!! The short version: I moved, was the major distraction... in October, I got pointed over, yes, pointed not pulled, for having my dog in the car to check for tags. So I have court on Tuesday to fight the citation that ''it shall be unlawful to transport a dog without a collar on it, and tag securely fastened to the collar''... really... fuck off, it's a poodle... unless you're going to pay me 10,000.00 a year for the prize money I'd be missing out on from competitions, plus the cost of dog, shipping for dog, paperwork, and cost of ALL accessories, vet bills, grooming supplies, PLUS hours that I have all ready put in to maintaining and grooming her... I might consider it.. oh, not to mention since she's the basis for my business, another several thousand a year for the money I'd be losing out on for my business ON TOP OF the other above listed... so, that would be a suitable arrangement for me being FORCED to destroy my dog's fur on a daily basis. Yeah, I'm finally turning into an asshole poodle owner, ugg... but I'm not really, but the point of getting this dog was to compete in creative grooming competitions... otherwise, I never would have gotten a poodle, or anything with a long coat for that matter. I'd stick to my beloved Great Danes. But no, I want to compete, and I got a poodle for it. So, heads are going to roll. I'm waiting for calls back from show dog owners, doing research, destroying my printer with all the papers being printed to support my side, etc. Fun, fun.
So, I moved, to a nice little house across town, with about an acre yard. I like it... except Comcast royally screwed me over.... when I first looked at the house, I got back to the apartment and called them immediately BEFORE I signed the lease. They told me ''yes, we provide service to that address, NO, you will NOT have any issues with the transfer, YES, you will have all your usual bells and whistles.''.... So, I sign the lease... I call to have service transferred, I'm still getting ''yes, everything is a go''.... so... a week without internet, the installer is scheduled to come, he CALLS, doesn't even stop, as he's driving past and tells me ''no, we can't put cable there'.... that's it, canceled the order and everything. So, I call, and rightfully say ''wtf''.... they said, well, we provide service to that address, we'll see what we can do..... THREE WEEKS LATER, they finally send out a surveyor, and HE finally says ''oh, you're 2000ft from the pole that has cable''..... and did they run the cable to fix the error? NO. Did they pay for my lease and moving expenses, ANY kind of compensation? NO. They said they only cover the cost of running 300 ft of cable.... I asked how much it would be to run the rest.... six or seven THOUSAND dollars... to have the service they promised me before I even signed the lease.
Don't get me wrong, I love Comcast, but this is ridiculous.... so, now, I'm paying 80.00 a month for 1 mg of satellite internet... oh, and since I don't have established credit history... I'd have to pay a 225.00 deposit to Direct TV to even get tv.... when I was paying 60.00 a month for 6mg net and basic cable before. I'm trying to start my own business, which requires internet. The male needs internet for online college classes... so, I HAD to get internet... but now it takes forever and a day for ANYTHING to load, so I can't even watch TV online... it takes forever to do anything online... Oh, and at the slow speed, plus the delay for communication to the dish from the satellite, the Xbox is useless for the most part. No first person shooter here, no Halo, nothing, unless you feel like doing campaign because you're ass will get butchered because of the lag. FUCKING BULLSHIT! So, I reaaaaaaaaally like this place, but I'm going to have to move as soon as my lease is up, because of Comcast not even doing anything to fix THEIR error. Fuckers. In the mean time, I'm stuck working as best I can with what I have, and it's not cutting it. I wish there was some way to make them fix it. I'd say ''I'll sue''... but I don't have money for an attorney. Lol. Why not jump on that band wagon, huh?
Work has been going well, very slow season now. It picked up a little over the holiday, but now is slowing down again. I got awesome stuff for xmas... I got a new Dremel tool, a work bench that doubles as a vice, and wood carving tools! Yay!!!!! Oh, and a small set of fire fans. In general, things are going pretty smooth there.
I have yet to go boarding, I didn't get my season pass, thank you having to shell out 200.00 plus another 88.00 just to get the shitty internet. But I have it, and I should be grateful... HOWEVER, I'm still not satisfied. Actually it burns my butt to even think about it.
So, I'm going to go clean and TRY to organize, I finally got everything moved the last day in December, and I'm still not fully unpacked. I don't really like to hobby unless the work is done, but I'm determined to force myself to make time to hobby! Lol.
I hope everyone is staying warm, 8 inches of fresh powder here. Man, someone kidnap and take me boarding!!!!!!!!!!
So, I moved, to a nice little house across town, with about an acre yard. I like it... except Comcast royally screwed me over.... when I first looked at the house, I got back to the apartment and called them immediately BEFORE I signed the lease. They told me ''yes, we provide service to that address, NO, you will NOT have any issues with the transfer, YES, you will have all your usual bells and whistles.''.... So, I sign the lease... I call to have service transferred, I'm still getting ''yes, everything is a go''.... so... a week without internet, the installer is scheduled to come, he CALLS, doesn't even stop, as he's driving past and tells me ''no, we can't put cable there'.... that's it, canceled the order and everything. So, I call, and rightfully say ''wtf''.... they said, well, we provide service to that address, we'll see what we can do..... THREE WEEKS LATER, they finally send out a surveyor, and HE finally says ''oh, you're 2000ft from the pole that has cable''..... and did they run the cable to fix the error? NO. Did they pay for my lease and moving expenses, ANY kind of compensation? NO. They said they only cover the cost of running 300 ft of cable.... I asked how much it would be to run the rest.... six or seven THOUSAND dollars... to have the service they promised me before I even signed the lease.
Don't get me wrong, I love Comcast, but this is ridiculous.... so, now, I'm paying 80.00 a month for 1 mg of satellite internet... oh, and since I don't have established credit history... I'd have to pay a 225.00 deposit to Direct TV to even get tv.... when I was paying 60.00 a month for 6mg net and basic cable before. I'm trying to start my own business, which requires internet. The male needs internet for online college classes... so, I HAD to get internet... but now it takes forever and a day for ANYTHING to load, so I can't even watch TV online... it takes forever to do anything online... Oh, and at the slow speed, plus the delay for communication to the dish from the satellite, the Xbox is useless for the most part. No first person shooter here, no Halo, nothing, unless you feel like doing campaign because you're ass will get butchered because of the lag. FUCKING BULLSHIT! So, I reaaaaaaaaally like this place, but I'm going to have to move as soon as my lease is up, because of Comcast not even doing anything to fix THEIR error. Fuckers. In the mean time, I'm stuck working as best I can with what I have, and it's not cutting it. I wish there was some way to make them fix it. I'd say ''I'll sue''... but I don't have money for an attorney. Lol. Why not jump on that band wagon, huh?
Work has been going well, very slow season now. It picked up a little over the holiday, but now is slowing down again. I got awesome stuff for xmas... I got a new Dremel tool, a work bench that doubles as a vice, and wood carving tools! Yay!!!!! Oh, and a small set of fire fans. In general, things are going pretty smooth there.
I have yet to go boarding, I didn't get my season pass, thank you having to shell out 200.00 plus another 88.00 just to get the shitty internet. But I have it, and I should be grateful... HOWEVER, I'm still not satisfied. Actually it burns my butt to even think about it.
So, I'm going to go clean and TRY to organize, I finally got everything moved the last day in December, and I'm still not fully unpacked. I don't really like to hobby unless the work is done, but I'm determined to force myself to make time to hobby! Lol.
I hope everyone is staying warm, 8 inches of fresh powder here. Man, someone kidnap and take me boarding!!!!!!!!!!