Finally! They put the REAL dangerous dogs on the BSL list! Labs and Golden Retrievers! That's right, kids, you might have a viscous dog in your home. HAH! It's about damn time they put those bastards on there! I've been bit by Labs and Goldens, and by mixes with both breeds more than I care to count, or had a lot of aggression shown from them. I have, however, NEVER had any issues with Pit Bulls, or Pit Bull TYPE dogs. I had to muzzle a Rotti ONCE for toe nails... that was the only time, so he didn't like his toe nails cut. And he wasn't even that bad, just mouthing, and having him nom on my arm, since his head was in my way, was an inconvenience. Now, all the Labs, Goldens, Collies (of all types), Corgis, small dogs, and so forth, that hate having their nails done that I've had to muzzle on a daily basis compared to the ONE mouthy Rotti. Psh. I take him any day, especially since he WASN'T trying to inflict damage like the others do.
If you don't like certain breeds, then you're a RACIST! Yep, that's right, how does it feel to be a racist? Lol. I love getting to throw that in people's faces. Some one tried to say ''wouldn't that be speciesist?" I'm still leaning towards racist, since all dogs are not being targeted and only SPECIFIC breeds are. Shrug, there's my fun for the day. The ''dangerous'' breed debate. But I'm having a BLAST getting to throw it in faces that labs and goldens are on the list. That people own VISCOUS dogs. Lol. Your labs are DANGEROUS! BAN THEM!! Good thing Goldens have more recorded bites than Pit Bulls. Win for the Bullies!!!
Oh, and here's Ambam and I with some ''viscous'' dogs....

"fee fee'' snuck in with kisses while I was playing with ''benny''.
he's such a cuddle bug!!!!
DOG PILE!!!!!!!! lol.
The only danger I'm in here, is of being licked to death!! We la la la la these two. And their 7 year old owner loves them too!
And this ten month old baby that's getting eaten by the four month old poodle is on the list too. 
Danes, my absolute favorites, are on the list too.
Eh, I've ranted enough for a day. Don't get me wrong, I do like MOST Goldens that I've met, even though most of them tried to kill other dogs, or have bit people. Labs, just really aren't my flavor, but I don't hate them. Just glad people are finally starting to put the more aggressive dogs on the list.
If you don't like certain breeds, then you're a RACIST! Yep, that's right, how does it feel to be a racist? Lol. I love getting to throw that in people's faces. Some one tried to say ''wouldn't that be speciesist?" I'm still leaning towards racist, since all dogs are not being targeted and only SPECIFIC breeds are. Shrug, there's my fun for the day. The ''dangerous'' breed debate. But I'm having a BLAST getting to throw it in faces that labs and goldens are on the list. That people own VISCOUS dogs. Lol. Your labs are DANGEROUS! BAN THEM!! Good thing Goldens have more recorded bites than Pit Bulls. Win for the Bullies!!!
Oh, and here's Ambam and I with some ''viscous'' dogs....

Eh, I've ranted enough for a day. Don't get me wrong, I do like MOST Goldens that I've met, even though most of them tried to kill other dogs, or have bit people. Labs, just really aren't my flavor, but I don't hate them. Just glad people are finally starting to put the more aggressive dogs on the list.