Thank you for putting up with my bitch fit. I appreciate it. I hate drama, I really do. So I do what I can to keep things calm, if it means I have to vent to get it out once in awhile, so be it. Haha, it's kind of funny, if people let me bitch for five minutes to get something out, I'm almost 100%better after that five minutes. Just have to get it out, then I can move on.
Getting sleep helped. For some reason, even though I was up until about one, I was up at 7:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well. Morning coffee and cigs, best combination in the world. Double stuffed oreos go well with coffee also. They can even get you out of getting pulled over. True story.
Oh, what the hell, so back in high school, I'm driving my best friend Jamie home. It was my senior year, and I was living on my own, so we were going back to my place after school. We were rocking out in the ''Couguaaaaar'' (92 mercury cougar, but we pronounced it similar to a jaguar), doing about 75mph in a 55 zone down the bypass. It was a pretty day, and all the traffic was in the right lane for some reason. It didn't register to me that there might be a police car in the distance ahead. Duh. Nope, kept speeding.
Side note, Jamie and I had stopped at K-mart before heading back up the mountain. We stocked up on two bags of Double stuffed Oreos. That was our thing, and we always were eating them, and always had at least one bag in the car (we got lost, A LOT). So, it's rather difficult to drive and twist oreos apart, while holding a stack in one hand, so Jamie was twisting them apart, and feeding them to me as we're going down the road. Now, when you picture a ditzy blond, you imagine Jamie, who will actually stop mid-sentence to flash a huge smile, then keep talking.
So, we're cruising and passing all these cars, we go under an overpass that's on a turn, come out of it, and there sits a police car on my side of the road. I hit the brakes to slow down, and we're actually close enough to see facial expressions. There's Jamie, smiling her big signature smile(even with all that chocolate crap all over her teeth, you know you've had that stuff in your teeth after you've eaten Oreos), holding up a bag of Oreos in her right hand for all to see, although she was buckled in, she's leaning over with an Oreo in her left hand getting ready to shove it in my mouth. My jaw drops, and the Oreo that was in it falls out and onto my lap, my eyes are as big as saucers. I get it down to 65 as we're passing them, and I hastily get in the right lane. I'm freeeeeeeeeaking out, checking all of my mirrors to see if I needed to pull off and get a ticket. Jamie is HOWLING. I'm asking if she saw them pull out, if they're following us, etc. and she is just laughing her ass off. After not getting any type of a response other than laughter, I yell at her ''what the hell is so funny!''... Jamie is gasping for breath and finally says ''They pointed and laughed at you!''.
There you have it, how Double stuffed Oreos got me out of getting pulled over.
Getting sleep helped. For some reason, even though I was up until about one, I was up at 7:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well. Morning coffee and cigs, best combination in the world. Double stuffed oreos go well with coffee also. They can even get you out of getting pulled over. True story.
Oh, what the hell, so back in high school, I'm driving my best friend Jamie home. It was my senior year, and I was living on my own, so we were going back to my place after school. We were rocking out in the ''Couguaaaaar'' (92 mercury cougar, but we pronounced it similar to a jaguar), doing about 75mph in a 55 zone down the bypass. It was a pretty day, and all the traffic was in the right lane for some reason. It didn't register to me that there might be a police car in the distance ahead. Duh. Nope, kept speeding.
Side note, Jamie and I had stopped at K-mart before heading back up the mountain. We stocked up on two bags of Double stuffed Oreos. That was our thing, and we always were eating them, and always had at least one bag in the car (we got lost, A LOT). So, it's rather difficult to drive and twist oreos apart, while holding a stack in one hand, so Jamie was twisting them apart, and feeding them to me as we're going down the road. Now, when you picture a ditzy blond, you imagine Jamie, who will actually stop mid-sentence to flash a huge smile, then keep talking.
So, we're cruising and passing all these cars, we go under an overpass that's on a turn, come out of it, and there sits a police car on my side of the road. I hit the brakes to slow down, and we're actually close enough to see facial expressions. There's Jamie, smiling her big signature smile(even with all that chocolate crap all over her teeth, you know you've had that stuff in your teeth after you've eaten Oreos), holding up a bag of Oreos in her right hand for all to see, although she was buckled in, she's leaning over with an Oreo in her left hand getting ready to shove it in my mouth. My jaw drops, and the Oreo that was in it falls out and onto my lap, my eyes are as big as saucers. I get it down to 65 as we're passing them, and I hastily get in the right lane. I'm freeeeeeeeeaking out, checking all of my mirrors to see if I needed to pull off and get a ticket. Jamie is HOWLING. I'm asking if she saw them pull out, if they're following us, etc. and she is just laughing her ass off. After not getting any type of a response other than laughter, I yell at her ''what the hell is so funny!''... Jamie is gasping for breath and finally says ''They pointed and laughed at you!''.
There you have it, how Double stuffed Oreos got me out of getting pulled over.

So let's all focus on what makes us happy and gives us pleasure