Back to the sneering. What a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Worked thirteen and a half hours, only to come home to ALL of the dirty dishes still in the sink, when someone, cough, was here ALL DAY. So, I had two hot dogs around 11ish AM, and nothing but a Redbull since. Can I even throw together something to eat when I get home? NO. All the pans are dirty. So, I bust my ass all day, I'm NOT about to do dishes on top of it. That's fucking bullshit. I bust my ass on my days off doing housework, having dinner ready, etc, what do I get? Jack shit. Oh, yeah, and the cat, Tux, that's lived in grooming for years, died today. I've known him for 11months, and I come into work, he's laying on the floor, covered in drool, his face is sitting in a puddle of his own drool, because he can't even pick up his head, he can't move, and he's having trouble breathing. I had a blah day yesterday. Didn't get to go to the demo derby, the power steering went as my neighbor and I were leaving, so there goes my evening. Then it was just crap from there. Then I come into work, knowing it's going to be a long, shitty day to begin with, and then there lies Tux. I go over to pet him, and all he can do is muster a soft, gurgle of a meow. So I lay on the floor next to him for a minute, analyzing the situation and talking softly to him, while my assistant is almost in tears. I get up, go over to kennels, and the manager there says ''I know, I've been trying to get ahold of someone''... i.e. the vet for the eternal slumber.
I go back over, and we have to have a dog, that was added this morning, done by 11... ON TOP OF HAVING TO HAVE A BICHON AND A YORKIE DONE ASAP!!!!! Plus the 10 OTHER dogs that had to be done today. I get a blanket and scoop up Tux and put him in a stainless and drape a towel over the front of it. He was in the middle of the floor in the back room, I didn't just want to leave him laying there for dogs to bother, and I didn't want to just close the door and let him die alone. So I periodically would check on him and pet him, he tried to purr, but just couldn't. If I stopped petting him, he'd try to scoot closer to me to get more attention. It was heart breaking. Now, Tux was a stray that was picked up out in the barn where he was hanging out. He had skin allergies, numerous illnesses, etc. and he was a bad ass. This is one tough cat, and just to see him like this torn me apart. I've always been more of a dog person, but there are certain cats that I get attached to, and he was one of them. Probably because he was very un-catlike. So, three hours later, the kennel manager comes over and puts Tux in his ''to go'' box, and takes him to the vet. That was the last I saw him.
The day just sucked even more from there. It wouldn't have been so long, except we had to groom, not just bath as initially scheduled, all 7 of the owner's dogs. Add four and a half hours to the day, since I had also been working on them between the client dogs. The majority of them are old as dirt, and a pain in the ass, the one is the sweetest thing until you groom him, then he's Cujo. Seriously, I took video of it one day, and he bites to mean it. I had on bite gloves, since he doesn't usually allow you to muzzle him. Using the groomer's helper is handy, but he alligator rolls too. So he does this WHILE trying to inflict damage that has caused stitches (not yet on me, thankfully). He was a rescue that they said would never be a normal dog. That was 8 years ago, he's come a long way, but he HATES being groomed. It must remind him of the abuse he suffered before he was rescued. Any who, so I have on the bike gloves, and he gets my thumb... It felt like I hit my thumb with a hammer. It was THAT bad. I was so happy for the gloves, he would have destroyed my thumb and nail if I hadn't. So, got to do him today, and he was actually very good since I didn't have to do too much to him. He snapped at my assistant, and gave me ''Elvis lip'' at one point, but that was it. Phew. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE this dog. I really, really do. He is so sweet, and there have been days when I'll just go and sit in his room with him and he lets me hug and love on him, and gives the love right back. He even runs up to greet me at the door when he sees me, when he ignores everyone else. It actually makes me feel good to have a bond with him. And we play a little rough. I give him a few gentle nudges, and he comes running over, throws himself in my lap and I'll grab at his whiskers, and he'll play bite me. YES, I let the killer dog put my hands and fingers in his mouth. He won't hurt me, and he and I play like this and the kennel people walk past and their jaws just drop!!!!!!!! They either don't trust him or are afraid of him, he's a medium dog (small in my book), so he's not very threatening to look at, but he has a reputation. He lets me put a leash on him without incident, he went after the kennel tech today when she tried it. Lol. He's MY Michael. I refuse to do his nails, though. I've watched him with the groomer I was apprenticing. She's known him for YEARS and has been grooming him, and I will NOT do it. No way, no how. I trust him, so long as he's not on my table. It's an understanding he and I have. So, him, a standard poodle, the irish wolf hound, a tea cup poodle, two shih tzus, and a bullshit. Yep, you heard right, a bullshit. Put two and two together. The bullshit is just a bath, but the others, ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Plus all the other dogs.. Now, the one shih tzu, Bentley... oh Bentley boy... I pick Michael over Bentley to groom any day! Sure, he's a small dog, but he bites HARD, and my left arm and hand have the marks to prove it today. I didn't finish his groom. He was AWFUL. He HATES having his feet messed with, and LOATHES his head being worked on. That's where the trouble started today. I knew he was too well behaved for his feet.
Side note... surprisingly, Shih tzus have pretty big mouths, Bentley actually was able to bite me on the rib cage before when I was holding him against me to do his nails. Got his little mouth around my side and CHOMP. Had a bruise for a week.
He isn't as anti muzzle as Michael... It's just hard to catch him with his mouth shut. He knows what's coming, but won't try to kill you like Michael will when he SEES the muzzle. So, couldn't get the muzzle on Bentley today. Of course not today. After getting two solid bites and him SCREAMING and thrashing, I was done. I still had the standard poodle to do, and I did not have enough energy or sanity left after all ready working twelve hours to deal with them both.
The car ride home wasn't horrible... just blah, and irritated still after the day. I get home to dishes. The way my day went was known to other persons, and they said they'd do what they could to help, and I had asked them yesterday (ahead of time) if they would do dishes today, just even a sinkful. So, yes, I am overly irritable, but I'm not entirely out of line for being pissy when I came home to that on top of my all ready horrid day. And where is a person when I could use a hug? Over at the neighbors playing video games. So, I'm pissy as is, I'm depressed and sad over my friend still, now the thing with Tux today, plus it being a shitty, long day, I have to wait until they're done (almost an hour) to even get acknowledgment. Then they offer to make me food, I want noodles. Simple, fast... NO. They won't do it BECAUSE the pans are dirty and they don't feel like washing one. I am by no means helpless, but WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! It's the point of I worked my ass off all day, had to deal with the Tux situation, got bit, and worked thirteen and a half hours, while you were home all day, with THREE OTHER DAYS OFF THIS WEEK to go play video games ( when he's been over there all night anyway), and you can't even wash a god damn dish!!!!!!!!?????????????? Just to make things a little easier on me. Nope, I ask waaaaaaaaaay too much.
Married men, I'm sure you've all heard this before at one point or another from your wives, but seriously. I didn't realize I was asking the world to end when I asked for help doing the dishes. Not even the REST of the housework (scrubbing, laundry, dusting, sweeping, mopping) that seems to always need done, no, I ask for dishes.
Like I said, I know I'm being bitchy, and I didn't even breathe a word about it, because I don't want an arguement, but for fucks sake am I pissy over this!! And where is he still? Over playing video games, so much for him saying he wants to spend time with me and watch a movie tonight. Ladies, unless you're willing to accept that you'll NEVER even come close to being remotely as important as a video game, don't date a gamer.
And yes, he's with his friends, which is important, but don't say you're going to spend time with me to cheer me up, then blow me off for the people you've spent your whole weekend with. Yes, we live together and see each other ''all the time'' as some would say, but there's a difference between living and just existing together, and actually spending quality time together.
Things aren't always like this, don't get me wrong, this is just my rant for this particular instance. I usually try to avoid being one of those people that whines about everything online to a bunch of strangers, but this I had to vent about, otherwise I would explode.
I go back over, and we have to have a dog, that was added this morning, done by 11... ON TOP OF HAVING TO HAVE A BICHON AND A YORKIE DONE ASAP!!!!! Plus the 10 OTHER dogs that had to be done today. I get a blanket and scoop up Tux and put him in a stainless and drape a towel over the front of it. He was in the middle of the floor in the back room, I didn't just want to leave him laying there for dogs to bother, and I didn't want to just close the door and let him die alone. So I periodically would check on him and pet him, he tried to purr, but just couldn't. If I stopped petting him, he'd try to scoot closer to me to get more attention. It was heart breaking. Now, Tux was a stray that was picked up out in the barn where he was hanging out. He had skin allergies, numerous illnesses, etc. and he was a bad ass. This is one tough cat, and just to see him like this torn me apart. I've always been more of a dog person, but there are certain cats that I get attached to, and he was one of them. Probably because he was very un-catlike. So, three hours later, the kennel manager comes over and puts Tux in his ''to go'' box, and takes him to the vet. That was the last I saw him.
The day just sucked even more from there. It wouldn't have been so long, except we had to groom, not just bath as initially scheduled, all 7 of the owner's dogs. Add four and a half hours to the day, since I had also been working on them between the client dogs. The majority of them are old as dirt, and a pain in the ass, the one is the sweetest thing until you groom him, then he's Cujo. Seriously, I took video of it one day, and he bites to mean it. I had on bite gloves, since he doesn't usually allow you to muzzle him. Using the groomer's helper is handy, but he alligator rolls too. So he does this WHILE trying to inflict damage that has caused stitches (not yet on me, thankfully). He was a rescue that they said would never be a normal dog. That was 8 years ago, he's come a long way, but he HATES being groomed. It must remind him of the abuse he suffered before he was rescued. Any who, so I have on the bike gloves, and he gets my thumb... It felt like I hit my thumb with a hammer. It was THAT bad. I was so happy for the gloves, he would have destroyed my thumb and nail if I hadn't. So, got to do him today, and he was actually very good since I didn't have to do too much to him. He snapped at my assistant, and gave me ''Elvis lip'' at one point, but that was it. Phew. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE this dog. I really, really do. He is so sweet, and there have been days when I'll just go and sit in his room with him and he lets me hug and love on him, and gives the love right back. He even runs up to greet me at the door when he sees me, when he ignores everyone else. It actually makes me feel good to have a bond with him. And we play a little rough. I give him a few gentle nudges, and he comes running over, throws himself in my lap and I'll grab at his whiskers, and he'll play bite me. YES, I let the killer dog put my hands and fingers in his mouth. He won't hurt me, and he and I play like this and the kennel people walk past and their jaws just drop!!!!!!!! They either don't trust him or are afraid of him, he's a medium dog (small in my book), so he's not very threatening to look at, but he has a reputation. He lets me put a leash on him without incident, he went after the kennel tech today when she tried it. Lol. He's MY Michael. I refuse to do his nails, though. I've watched him with the groomer I was apprenticing. She's known him for YEARS and has been grooming him, and I will NOT do it. No way, no how. I trust him, so long as he's not on my table. It's an understanding he and I have. So, him, a standard poodle, the irish wolf hound, a tea cup poodle, two shih tzus, and a bullshit. Yep, you heard right, a bullshit. Put two and two together. The bullshit is just a bath, but the others, ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. Plus all the other dogs.. Now, the one shih tzu, Bentley... oh Bentley boy... I pick Michael over Bentley to groom any day! Sure, he's a small dog, but he bites HARD, and my left arm and hand have the marks to prove it today. I didn't finish his groom. He was AWFUL. He HATES having his feet messed with, and LOATHES his head being worked on. That's where the trouble started today. I knew he was too well behaved for his feet.
Side note... surprisingly, Shih tzus have pretty big mouths, Bentley actually was able to bite me on the rib cage before when I was holding him against me to do his nails. Got his little mouth around my side and CHOMP. Had a bruise for a week.
He isn't as anti muzzle as Michael... It's just hard to catch him with his mouth shut. He knows what's coming, but won't try to kill you like Michael will when he SEES the muzzle. So, couldn't get the muzzle on Bentley today. Of course not today. After getting two solid bites and him SCREAMING and thrashing, I was done. I still had the standard poodle to do, and I did not have enough energy or sanity left after all ready working twelve hours to deal with them both.
The car ride home wasn't horrible... just blah, and irritated still after the day. I get home to dishes. The way my day went was known to other persons, and they said they'd do what they could to help, and I had asked them yesterday (ahead of time) if they would do dishes today, just even a sinkful. So, yes, I am overly irritable, but I'm not entirely out of line for being pissy when I came home to that on top of my all ready horrid day. And where is a person when I could use a hug? Over at the neighbors playing video games. So, I'm pissy as is, I'm depressed and sad over my friend still, now the thing with Tux today, plus it being a shitty, long day, I have to wait until they're done (almost an hour) to even get acknowledgment. Then they offer to make me food, I want noodles. Simple, fast... NO. They won't do it BECAUSE the pans are dirty and they don't feel like washing one. I am by no means helpless, but WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! It's the point of I worked my ass off all day, had to deal with the Tux situation, got bit, and worked thirteen and a half hours, while you were home all day, with THREE OTHER DAYS OFF THIS WEEK to go play video games ( when he's been over there all night anyway), and you can't even wash a god damn dish!!!!!!!!?????????????? Just to make things a little easier on me. Nope, I ask waaaaaaaaaay too much.
Married men, I'm sure you've all heard this before at one point or another from your wives, but seriously. I didn't realize I was asking the world to end when I asked for help doing the dishes. Not even the REST of the housework (scrubbing, laundry, dusting, sweeping, mopping) that seems to always need done, no, I ask for dishes.
Like I said, I know I'm being bitchy, and I didn't even breathe a word about it, because I don't want an arguement, but for fucks sake am I pissy over this!! And where is he still? Over playing video games, so much for him saying he wants to spend time with me and watch a movie tonight. Ladies, unless you're willing to accept that you'll NEVER even come close to being remotely as important as a video game, don't date a gamer.
And yes, he's with his friends, which is important, but don't say you're going to spend time with me to cheer me up, then blow me off for the people you've spent your whole weekend with. Yes, we live together and see each other ''all the time'' as some would say, but there's a difference between living and just existing together, and actually spending quality time together.
Things aren't always like this, don't get me wrong, this is just my rant for this particular instance. I usually try to avoid being one of those people that whines about everything online to a bunch of strangers, but this I had to vent about, otherwise I would explode.