So, I think I should email this picture to UPS, and strongly suggest they up the literacy requirements for their employees, or at least suggest they NOT try to act out the opening scenes of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
Thank goodness they're only roller blades, but c'mon!!!!!!!!! It says ''fragile'' on more than just that side of the box. Tsk, tsk. Like I said, not THAT fragile of a package, but you expect standards. Grrr.
At least after I got over my initial annoyance with the condition of the box, I put on my Shoei helmet and roller blades, and proceeded to be ridiculous and roam the apartment for a short period of time. The fact that I was ONLY wearing the roller blades and helmet made the male crack up. Yep, that's me, the height of fashion, I am.
Rough couple of days, Monday was just kind of blah, felt ''off'' and anxious. I'm sure you've all had a day like that here or there. Then yesterday morning, I wake up and do my usual putzing before preparing to get ready for work. I get an email from a friend, at first I honestly thought someone had hacked her account and sent some junk. It said that someone I'd known for years was the victim of a shooting. I didn't believe it. I even watched the news video on the link they sent and I was still in disbelief. So, I went to his facebook page, STILL thinking ''this can't be right''. Sure enough, all the comments on his page were ''you will be missed'', ''we all loved you'', ''you deserved better''. It was true. I've WATCHED people I cared about die. I've watched them get their chest cut open and the paramedics physically massaging their hearts to try to revive them. I've had friends commit suicide and die in car wrecks, of old age, of illness, etc. But never someone that was murdered. That's all it is, someone shot him to death. There's always emptiness when you lose someone you care about, but this feels different. It feels empty, and wrong. No explanation, just shot while riding his bicycle home from work. He wasn't robbed, he didn't have people that had grudges against him. He simply was such a great guy that everyone he met loved him. He didn't do drugs or anything illegal. Whoever shot him didn't take anything from him, the investigators initially thought the motive was robbery.
I met him during my first summer of freedom when I graduated high school. He was a river guide for one of the rafting companies. We had a blast. He was my partner in crime, and when neither of us were working, we were basically attached at the hip. There was always much silliness to be had and great times. We rocked the ''Pimp and Ho'' party. Lol. He was truly an amazing person. After he moved back to DC when the summer ended, I went to visit a few times when I could, and we kept in touch via facebook. I talked to him just the other day. He was supposed to come up camping last week with friends, and we were going to make it a point to hang out. But his ride bailed on him. So that didn't happen. And now he's gone.
I got through my day at work yesterday with minimal tears, then came home and my male comforted me as I got the rest of it out. I felt a little better, but today I kind of just am in that surreal state. I'm trying to distract myself with housework and other things, but it's in the back of my mind.
My photographer said we can do some shooting next Wednesday, which I'm glad, today I'm just not in the mood. I think these will be a few test shots, plus just some portfolio shots and things like that. I texted him about the location for my set, and am waiting to hear back from him. I'm trying to decide what colors to dye my hair. I'm doing a little more color in my bangs, then bleaching up underneath in the back. I love Electric Banana, but I'd go with a two tone effect if I use that. But what color to put with it? More hot pink, or my beloved blue? Decisions, decisions. I was contemplating just using every color I had and streaking the back with them all. It would be interesting and fun, not necessarily tasteful, though. We'll see. Secure the location, set a date, then go from there, I guess.

Thank goodness they're only roller blades, but c'mon!!!!!!!!! It says ''fragile'' on more than just that side of the box. Tsk, tsk. Like I said, not THAT fragile of a package, but you expect standards. Grrr.
At least after I got over my initial annoyance with the condition of the box, I put on my Shoei helmet and roller blades, and proceeded to be ridiculous and roam the apartment for a short period of time. The fact that I was ONLY wearing the roller blades and helmet made the male crack up. Yep, that's me, the height of fashion, I am.
Rough couple of days, Monday was just kind of blah, felt ''off'' and anxious. I'm sure you've all had a day like that here or there. Then yesterday morning, I wake up and do my usual putzing before preparing to get ready for work. I get an email from a friend, at first I honestly thought someone had hacked her account and sent some junk. It said that someone I'd known for years was the victim of a shooting. I didn't believe it. I even watched the news video on the link they sent and I was still in disbelief. So, I went to his facebook page, STILL thinking ''this can't be right''. Sure enough, all the comments on his page were ''you will be missed'', ''we all loved you'', ''you deserved better''. It was true. I've WATCHED people I cared about die. I've watched them get their chest cut open and the paramedics physically massaging their hearts to try to revive them. I've had friends commit suicide and die in car wrecks, of old age, of illness, etc. But never someone that was murdered. That's all it is, someone shot him to death. There's always emptiness when you lose someone you care about, but this feels different. It feels empty, and wrong. No explanation, just shot while riding his bicycle home from work. He wasn't robbed, he didn't have people that had grudges against him. He simply was such a great guy that everyone he met loved him. He didn't do drugs or anything illegal. Whoever shot him didn't take anything from him, the investigators initially thought the motive was robbery.
I met him during my first summer of freedom when I graduated high school. He was a river guide for one of the rafting companies. We had a blast. He was my partner in crime, and when neither of us were working, we were basically attached at the hip. There was always much silliness to be had and great times. We rocked the ''Pimp and Ho'' party. Lol. He was truly an amazing person. After he moved back to DC when the summer ended, I went to visit a few times when I could, and we kept in touch via facebook. I talked to him just the other day. He was supposed to come up camping last week with friends, and we were going to make it a point to hang out. But his ride bailed on him. So that didn't happen. And now he's gone.

I got through my day at work yesterday with minimal tears, then came home and my male comforted me as I got the rest of it out. I felt a little better, but today I kind of just am in that surreal state. I'm trying to distract myself with housework and other things, but it's in the back of my mind.
My photographer said we can do some shooting next Wednesday, which I'm glad, today I'm just not in the mood. I think these will be a few test shots, plus just some portfolio shots and things like that. I texted him about the location for my set, and am waiting to hear back from him. I'm trying to decide what colors to dye my hair. I'm doing a little more color in my bangs, then bleaching up underneath in the back. I love Electric Banana, but I'd go with a two tone effect if I use that. But what color to put with it? More hot pink, or my beloved blue? Decisions, decisions. I was contemplating just using every color I had and streaking the back with them all. It would be interesting and fun, not necessarily tasteful, though. We'll see. Secure the location, set a date, then go from there, I guess.
The fact that I was ONLY wearing the roller blades and helmet
Pictures, please? Haha.
The last time I had spoken to her, she'd just had a baby, so naturally I figured she just got busy with life. When I put her name in the search engine on FB, I ran into a memorial page for her. It seems that, not too long after we last spoke, her boyfriend (and baby daddy) strangled her to death, while her kids listened from the next room.
I was shocked, horrified and deeply depressed about it. I'm still not quite over it. It's one thing to lose loved ones to accidents or illness, or even, to a degree, suicide, but murder just hits harder. The senselessness of it seems to make it harder to get over. For me, anyway.
My sincerest condolences to you.