HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Here I am! I'll spare you the chaos of the last month or so, and let's just say, my goth, am I glad that's over!!!!!!!! Haha!
Feelin' spunky! RAWWWWWWWWR! New pics up soon, and sealing the deal on a location for a photoset! That's right, the process IS in motion, FINALLY!!!!!!! For craps sake it only took long enough!!!!!!!!!! Egads!!!!!!
Work, all though busy (which is great, I'm enjoying the paychecks that long hours bring), is FINALLY smoothing into something resembling a routine. Lol. Not quite there yet, but on track!
Since my boss left and I took over EVERYTHING, things have been, well, let me put it this way, I drew a target sign on a post it note and taped it to the desk next to the phone for when I feel the need to hit my head on it. Seriously, it's there, I'll take a picture if I have to prove it.
Forget painting for the time being, I've started drawing again. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ME TIME!!! HELLS YEAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slowly starting to do stuff for myself again. Went mountainboarding in a graveyard a few weeks ago. My buddy got a board with a brake system, so I figured I'd try it out......... I have mixed views. It didn't go so well. Lol. I did do an EPIC roll, or five, more like. HAH!! My buddy, however, did not fair as well as I when he hit a patch of gravel at a high rate of speed. I thought it would be worse, but he came out with a softball sized lump on his knee, and a few scrapes, a hole in his arm, and some bruises, so not bad.
Got my helmet!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!! I'm getting back on a bike soon(as in I'm going to be driving again), so I felt it was time to get a properly fitting helmet instead of just using other people's. They're usually too big and smell of ''manliness''...........eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Lol.
OH OH!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWERTHIRST IS A REAL DRINK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the heaven's just opened up and started rejoicing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing, that simple.
Beautiful in my book today, overcast and cooler, but everything is dry. Fall is coming!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
Waiting for tickets to see Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, and The Murderdolls. They're playing at a venue like 20 minutes from my house. Apparently, they're doing a Halloween tour type thing, and they're coming to a bum fuck town near me. I called my friend a moron when they told me... then the internets verified that it was legit. So, awesome. First show since seeing Cradle of Filth and Type O yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago... there was some other band that opened, but they sucked balls, I think they were called Moonspell or something like that. It was almost too sad to laugh at that band, but somehow we still managed.
I just picked up my poodle from the vets, she got spayed, they gave her hot pink sutures to match her ears. Kinda cute, I guess. She's definitely my dog, walks into things, trips over herself, ''walking challenged'' as I call it. Lol.
We got ice cream after work one day.
I shaved her down and took off her stripes, so once her stitches are out, I'll put them back on.
there she is, hard at work in the groom room. Lol. Slacker, she's either there, terrorizing the other dogs, or sleeping on the lounge chair. She's such a brat.
I'm thinking of starting a clothing line for dogs. Yep, might as well capitalize on the fact that people will always have pets, and some like to dress them up, or have to if they're hairless and whatnot. So, I'm coming up with some off the wall designs, and my sister said she would hire workers to mass produce. Go her. Her taxes that she had to pay this year were three times as much as most people make in one year. So, I'll allow it.
I'm really excited about getting a photo set in motion finally. I'm going to get the hair dying process started this week, since I'm going to try to get it chemically straightened again. It didn't take last time, so we're trying again this upcoming Monday. The stylist said i have the frizziest hair she's ever seen. Yeah, if I don't put product in it or take hours styling it, I look like I stuck a fork in an electrical outlet. I make 80's hair bands jealous.
a bit further down, so it's considered off topic, but here's two pics from the boarding. nothing flashy this time.
Feelin' spunky! RAWWWWWWWWR! New pics up soon, and sealing the deal on a location for a photoset! That's right, the process IS in motion, FINALLY!!!!!!! For craps sake it only took long enough!!!!!!!!!! Egads!!!!!!
Work, all though busy (which is great, I'm enjoying the paychecks that long hours bring), is FINALLY smoothing into something resembling a routine. Lol. Not quite there yet, but on track!

Forget painting for the time being, I've started drawing again. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ME TIME!!! HELLS YEAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slowly starting to do stuff for myself again. Went mountainboarding in a graveyard a few weeks ago. My buddy got a board with a brake system, so I figured I'd try it out......... I have mixed views. It didn't go so well. Lol. I did do an EPIC roll, or five, more like. HAH!! My buddy, however, did not fair as well as I when he hit a patch of gravel at a high rate of speed. I thought it would be worse, but he came out with a softball sized lump on his knee, and a few scrapes, a hole in his arm, and some bruises, so not bad.
Got my helmet!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!! I'm getting back on a bike soon(as in I'm going to be driving again), so I felt it was time to get a properly fitting helmet instead of just using other people's. They're usually too big and smell of ''manliness''...........eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Lol.
OH OH!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWERTHIRST IS A REAL DRINK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the heaven's just opened up and started rejoicing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing, that simple.
Beautiful in my book today, overcast and cooler, but everything is dry. Fall is coming!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
Waiting for tickets to see Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, and The Murderdolls. They're playing at a venue like 20 minutes from my house. Apparently, they're doing a Halloween tour type thing, and they're coming to a bum fuck town near me. I called my friend a moron when they told me... then the internets verified that it was legit. So, awesome. First show since seeing Cradle of Filth and Type O yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago... there was some other band that opened, but they sucked balls, I think they were called Moonspell or something like that. It was almost too sad to laugh at that band, but somehow we still managed.
I just picked up my poodle from the vets, she got spayed, they gave her hot pink sutures to match her ears. Kinda cute, I guess. She's definitely my dog, walks into things, trips over herself, ''walking challenged'' as I call it. Lol.

I shaved her down and took off her stripes, so once her stitches are out, I'll put them back on.

there she is, hard at work in the groom room. Lol. Slacker, she's either there, terrorizing the other dogs, or sleeping on the lounge chair. She's such a brat.
I'm thinking of starting a clothing line for dogs. Yep, might as well capitalize on the fact that people will always have pets, and some like to dress them up, or have to if they're hairless and whatnot. So, I'm coming up with some off the wall designs, and my sister said she would hire workers to mass produce. Go her. Her taxes that she had to pay this year were three times as much as most people make in one year. So, I'll allow it.
I'm really excited about getting a photo set in motion finally. I'm going to get the hair dying process started this week, since I'm going to try to get it chemically straightened again. It didn't take last time, so we're trying again this upcoming Monday. The stylist said i have the frizziest hair she's ever seen. Yeah, if I don't put product in it or take hours styling it, I look like I stuck a fork in an electrical outlet. I make 80's hair bands jealous.