Dear stupid people on the internet,
Don't link to some stupid piece about how global warming doesn't exist and tell me to have an "open mind" when I read it. This isn't therapy, fuckers, this is science. We practice critical thinking and we bring our A games. We cite properly peer-reviewed research and we put error bars on our graphs. We know the difference between the mean, the median, and the mode, and we understand what it means to be statistically significant. So if you can't keep up, go home and leave the heavy mental lifting to the experts.
No love,
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Don't link to some stupid piece about how global warming doesn't exist and tell me to have an "open mind" when I read it. This isn't therapy, fuckers, this is science. We practice critical thinking and we bring our A games. We cite properly peer-reviewed research and we put error bars on our graphs. We know the difference between the mean, the median, and the mode, and we understand what it means to be statistically significant. So if you can't keep up, go home and leave the heavy mental lifting to the experts.
No love,
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That sounds very much like the little village I first lived in when I was a child.
It's a toss-up