Because Koala and Salome both asked:
The previously mentioned episode of Lost had two people buried alive, with no happy ending to speak of. Freaked me out.
In other news: I don't do parties, and parties thrown by the dorm are really bad, because all my in-dorm friends go to them, and I can't hide in my room, because the party is happening outside my window. So, yeah, last night sucked.
The previously mentioned episode of Lost had two people buried alive, with no happy ending to speak of. Freaked me out.
In other news: I don't do parties, and parties thrown by the dorm are really bad, because all my in-dorm friends go to them, and I can't hide in my room, because the party is happening outside my window. So, yeah, last night sucked.
Awww, sorry. SG deceived you. I was sleeping. 

You guys.