The moon was out for the sunrise this morning… I didn’t have my tripod as I was walking but managed a couple of pics
Difficult day today…. My father passed away after fighting lots of different illness over the last few years. It’s amazing the recovery he made and then in 3 weeks of being I’ll he is gone. His last few days he was suffering so I am relieved he is now at peace. Luckily we got see him the day before he passed as the hospital was not allowing visitation. We don’t get much time in the world, do what you love and makes you happy…..don’t miss any opportunities. Im not sure it’s sunk in properly yet, we didn’t always see things the same way or agree but he is still Dad and I will miss him every day. Big love to you all x❤️x
Couple of shots with new camera, came out well I think 😊
New camera proper happy! Looking forward to taking some more pictures
Some good sunset shots earlier this week
Got some great pictures at the nature reserve yesterday, super happy with results! Nee lens is paying off! I hope you like them too
New lens, got nice shots of moon tonight!
TooK the dog out he had such a good time, some good pics and practice some editing!
Good birthday weekend. Taken the dog for a good but windy walk at the beach.
Nice evening run around with the dog and decision to loose the beard was made
Not captured the moon early evening in the blue sky. Pretty happy with the result!