I think any comments people make anywhere could be nitpicked or argued (depending on the connotation you see these SYNONYMS in), but as humans we long for superlatives (best/worst/always/never), however, we live in a gray world and not a black and white one. It is interesting to see. Notice it from now on and you will see the patterns people can fall into. This is a rabbit hole though, so don't dwell on the thought too long. People long for superlatives because it is a shortcut for decision making, a useful one. In ended relationships people tend to demonize their ex and be unaware of or willfully ignorant to their own faults or shortcomings. We label a person and put them in a box, making accepting change in them very difficult. It also however makes it difficult for us to change because, out of habit, we can put ourselves in a box. I catch myself doing these things often and I don't like it when others do it.
Take my sister for example, recently she went over the line drinking and chose to make my mother and I the enemy. She recruited most of my siblings and when they came in town, I was ostricized, left out of the loop, treated as a pest, and purposefully left out. I want to make her a superlative, the enemy. It is difficult to not file her in my mind as permanently her recent shortcomings, and I failed to accept her change to back on the safe side of the line. We never got along and just irk each other being ourselves. We will never be on the same page, but we will always be family and thus intertwined. Even if she doesn't try to get along with me and is her usual pompous self, I don't have to react to her treating me like an ignorant moron because she has a degree and I don't yet. She may never change that attitude, but she isn't ALL bad and I will stunt my own growth by not accepting her changing or differing from my experiences with her.
I can't expect to grow if I believe others can't. If I make a habit of selectively and incompletely evaluating others by falling into the superlative trap, it will leak into what I believe is possible and therefore my own growth.
You can argue or nitpick anything, even facts. It may fall into ignorance (willful or accidental) or use logical fallacies, but technically it IS possible to argue anything, whether accurately and correctly or illogical and ignorantly. We as humans desire to make things easier to understand because the world is complicated and messy. We want order, but try and accept the world isn't black and white, but infinite shades of gray.
Just a thought of mine. What do you think?