I have been fooling around and hanging out with a girl for about three months. One night I told her I didn't feel like sex and she at first thought I was joking and proceeded to go for it anyway. Then by the time I had to push her off a few times, she got that I was serious and became very angry and told me I was a "Twat tease" (I have never heard this before). She stormed out knocking down as much as she could along the way. Then I got a call from not one, but two of her friends who were irate and screamed at me telling me I wasn't a real man and asked me if I couldn't perform because of erectile disfunction and how often does it happen and if I was gay. They told me I was leading her on and I should just do it whenever she wants because a real man would do it gladly. Just mean and spiteful shit that isn't true, trying to hurt my feelings because I hurt her by not wanting to have sex. Am I in the wrong? I know it is just plain wrong for a guy or his friends to pressure any woman under any circumstances to do anything she doesn't want to because society and conscience tells us so, but is it a double standard? Or are her "feelings" of horniness more important than what I want? No joke or anything, I need to know if I need to apologize. I dont understand things sometimes because I am a white male. Simple as that, I have been raised in priviledge and dont know what the true social protocols are and I want to learn and be better.
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