I'm in a place called All City Cafe, and this place is dog-friendly. A pup just walked right past me.
If I can, i'll take a photo.
I'm catching up with my friend Javier, who moved from Miami to NC a couple of years ago:
me: how's life?
Sent at 11:08 AM on Sunday
Javier: great. i work at a summer camp for kids. i'm the computer guy. every summer 18-23 year old girls from england, australia and eastern europe to work here... so far i've banged an ozzie, a hungarian, a scott, a pom and an american
This is what I looked like yesterday, after I worked out.
Last night was gay. I was supposed to go out with a sort of internet-met-on-a-message-board-friend, Adrian, and he sold me out. He didn't even call. My heart was broken as I sat on my bed, using pirated free wifi that cuts out every 5 minutes. I could hear my roommate and her gentleman caller pounding away.
Anyway, I'm here today.
I don't know what for-- I guess I just wanted to be somewhere today. At least I'm not totally gaining weight by walking around town all day. Unless they have corn dogs.
Anyway, that's all for now. A hung-over Beth is sending me pained texts of pain. She's far enough so that I can do NOTHING.
These dogs don't give a shit about me. everytime i pet one they just breeze through my hand.
Guardians of the Galaxy rules.