I'm eating cereal with milk. It's fucking delicious and hopefully it'll be the start to a new week and a new way of eating. I generally stop by the 7-11 and pick up a coffee and a microwave breakfast burritto on my way to work.
Not today, though. I had my Special K, i'm packing an apple and a banana and some peanuts. No snack machine for me today, I hope. I plan. This is kind of a struggle for me.
I went to the gym yesterday and did something I've never done before-- I stayed on the treadmill for about 50 minutes. It was fucking crazy. I only ran/jogged little bits of it, but I worked up a decent sweat and I never got bored. I took my ipod, and the new gym I'm going to has these crazy treadmills where you can hook up the ipod, charge it through there, and use the treadmill screen to pick your music. Anyway, I put it to Wes Anderson's short film Hotel Chevalier thinking that I would be able to watch it through the treadmill screen. I couldn't. It didn't matter. I listened to it. I love the dialogue in that shit.
"If we fuck I'm going to feel like shit tomorrow."
"I'm okay with that."
One day I will be able to stand straight in the shower and look down and see my dick. One day.
I got nothin else.
oh me, oh my.
I really liked Hotel Chevalier.... Can't go wrong watching something made by Wes Anderson.
one day i will be able to stand in the shower and see your dick, i just know it...