I loved Admiral Cain, even if she was a cunt. I'd.. you know.. give it to her.

Anyway, yes. today's been the most productive day EVER. I called in sick, made breakfast, and Hillary and I have been running around since.
The bank, the Goodwill (THREE TIMES!) and the post office were all hit.
We got rid of over 100 books that either we're sure we'll never read again or that we'll never read at all. Lots of old shirts, pants, and music went with that too. an old DVD player and an old VCR.
Too much stuff went in the trash, too. It's so sad to see all of the burned cds you've made yourself over the years and realize that either a. you don't listen to that shit anymore or b. all that stuff's on the ipod/hard drive anyway.
Dinner is being cooked while I type this and then we're (supposed to be) off to see Persepolis with our friend Javier.
I fucking loved this book. I can't wait to see it made into a movie, I can't wait to re-read it and the sequel.

About the stuff in my last blog, it's still up in the air. I filled out the application this morning and they'll get back to me once they've spoken to whatever internal people apply for the job. Then I get my chance. I'm in, though. my mind's made up. It's just a matter of them getting back to me now.
Life with Hillary has been fucking absolutely TERRIFIC lately, except for this move that is looming over our (my) heads. It would be a lot harder to make this decision if it were like this all the time. But I know this has never lasted before, even if she's giving it 100%. We both are, this time. I know that something would generally happen that would give me excuse to withdraw and the vicious cycle would begin again.
Anyway, yeah.
Hopefully I get it. Hopefully this isn't all a mistake.

You go, mister! It is a good choice. I hope you get the job. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Razor was a good movie. Mr. B got me into Battlestar to begin with. I didn't start watching it until recently. He has the first two seasons and the movie on DVD. The 3rd season comes out March 18th. I can't wait. I am hoping we can get it as soon as it comes out. Since we don't have cable I have to wait for the seasons to come out. I don't mind though...gives me something to look forward to. Yay for cleaning out the closets and everything else. It feels good to do that every once in awhile. 

no. you're awesomely awesome! Like doy! (i'm bringing it back in place of doh!)