has it been a month already?

fuck, everything is as bad or worse, I'm the king of doom and gloom.
ha cute fuckable boy is so my goal. and i'm sorry things suck, but at least you're the king of something

Decided I wasn't happy with that apartment, so I'm back at square one. Going nowhere in a hurry.
May have found an apartment. It's not much, but I guess I can't expect too much if I'm gonna live by myself.

Ugh, I pigged out on cereal last night, everytime I do that i'm basically wasting my trip to the gym that morning. Anyone wanna loan me some goddamn willpower? Cause I had a perfect low calorie day until I did that.
Yeah, so I guess I'll try and keep updating this.

The gym sessions are going quite well, I've been meeting with a trainer to help getting settled into a weights routine to complement the cardio.

The apartment search is going slowly, but I guess I'm still being a little picky. Priority 1 is a dishwasher, Priority 2 is a gas stove, Priority 3 is a...
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Does this thing still work?

Anyway, dunno why I really post on this thing, but I guess since I paid for it I might as well use it. Holy crap am I ever losing weight. Between fighting twice a week and going to the gym every night that I'm not fighting, the weight is steadily coming off again, which is great because after ditching 30...
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I haven't had sex in so long, I don't think I remember what boobs look like.
poor dear *pets pets* hard to not know what boobs look like on a site like this *giggles*
Life is good. Except for Jason's fucking downstairs neighbor who pounds the everliving shit out of the floor whenever I get into a groove on the drums.

Other than that, im mildly intoxicated on life, I might even start pursuing womens again soon. Who knows!
What kind of sex do nine out of ten people enjoy?


No but really, got a new job and had a great weekend. maybe i'll update this dumb thing more often than every two months.
unemployed again, and my computer took a shit. I'm on a roll!! The best part is that I was really starting to like that job, but someone who I never met decided that they weren't gonna keep me.
So the asshole alarm clock interrupted probably the hottest sex dream I've ever had, probably as payback for me slamming it to get it to turn off yesterday morning. I mean this was some really hot stuff. Fucking alarm clock.

I start my new job today, its lower hours, less pay, and a crappier position than my last job. I hate this town.