heh, of course, when I say I need to post more frequently, I vanish for half a year.

Anyway, like 2-3 days after that last post my apartment building caught on fire and I became homeless.

I'm told that I need to post more frequently. Of course, I don't really know anyone here, so I'm not really sure who told me that. Time for more pills!
well im alive again. Not that anyone on here cares, but hey, acting all whiny and dramatic about it is hella fun!
Starting the 80+ hour weeks as of today, I have this weekend off for moving shit, but this schedule is going to get really old, really fast.
Can't believe how long I let this go sometimes.

Counting down the days til my lease starts. Played flag football yesterday and found out I'm actually still quite good at everything except being a quarterback. Had several gorgeous touchdown catches, and two picks, one of which I ran all the way back.

The weight loss keeps coming, which I'm pretty happy about. I'm looking to...
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Well, things still suck, but they are improving. Volunteered to help a guy from work move on saturday without an ulterior motive, and ended up with a nice lazyboy couch for 50 bucks since we could not get it up the stairs in his new apartment. Also found a nice china cabinet for 80 bucks. Counting down the days til I get to move into...
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Struck out with several chicks lately, and my one hopeful prospect I got majorly cockblocked on. The dude who pulled the deed is a friend/roommate of a guy I know from work, and I've had to avoid being around him because I'm going to beat the dude into a coma if I see him before I've cooled off.

I get to move in to my...
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so yeah. still waiting to move in, which is driving me crazy. Struck out with a friend of mine, but hopefully it won't make things too awkward. Work is going ok, didn't get the new position I wanted, but I ended up somewhere better than I had been, which is a plus.

Badly need to get laid, but kind of hard to manage without my...
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Well, I found a nice apartment, so im very happy about that. I'm also worked up the nerve to ask my friend Mary out on a date, which we are going on this coming weekend. I'm up for two possible promotions at work, and although one of them is a bit of a longshot, the other one I am extremely confident about.

Some friends and...
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so I didn't realize until today how much I missed my sushi partner, and I really wish I could tell her.

So, overtime at work now, which is nice cause it distracts me from the fact that I never do anything. Still can't find an apartment, but thats nothing new. Told a friend of mine that I want to be more than just friends, and she didn't laugh at me, so I'm hopeful on that front! Of course, she lives in chicago, so if anything does...
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