i fancy louis theroux.
everytime i get to sit and do stuff and actually get something done... for longer than half an hour, i get suddenly hit by the fact that time is going so quickly. like, so quickly! i've been in norwich for 5months now. i guess 5months isnt that long really.. but, its gone so quick to have been so long. i've got a mega busy time coming up, and times going so quickly its not letting me get everything done!
"its just not real when you want it to be"
im lolling at rudetube. geek anyone?
everytime i get to sit and do stuff and actually get something done... for longer than half an hour, i get suddenly hit by the fact that time is going so quickly. like, so quickly! i've been in norwich for 5months now. i guess 5months isnt that long really.. but, its gone so quick to have been so long. i've got a mega busy time coming up, and times going so quickly its not letting me get everything done!
"its just not real when you want it to be"
im lolling at rudetube. geek anyone?
i missed louis theroux last night