HOLLYOAKS is such shit, ahaha.
so yesterday my day was taken up by generally not doing anything but getting stoned and watching GREASE! i forgot how much i love that film, aha. i was just sitting in my pjs wailing along
(STRANDED AT THE DRIVE IN, BRANDED A FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - what will they saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, monday at SCHOOL)
today i will, WILL WILL get this uni work done. i've got two thousand words to go and about four weeks to do it, so its really not that bad. i'm worried that i'm gonna be behind forever now, because my extension for my portfolio crosses with the time i start my nursing care study (which i cant even do because i am shit!)
someone buy me an external hardrive or ipod for my laptop please yes? and some shoes and some perfume AND some new dm's (the time is coming when im going to HAVE to retire mine and i am GUTTED)
i've got to move house in a week and i have no time and NO WAY of getting my stuff half way across the city. anyone wanna help?!
gosh im a bit want want want today, i'm having an ID day, a concept borrowed by olly. who i now think is not talking to me becauseeeee i text him when i was drunk saying i had fun! and that would obviously put someone off (this is olly we are talking about) i dont like him anways, ijust dont want him to think that i like him, esp if i dont! im sure that makes sense.
is it wrong that im excited about seeing jo brand at lattitude? she's a former mental health nurse, please dear god tell me thats NOT what my future holds!
so, ive suitably wasted enough time not doing work or getting dressed
*le sigh*
so yesterday my day was taken up by generally not doing anything but getting stoned and watching GREASE! i forgot how much i love that film, aha. i was just sitting in my pjs wailing along
(STRANDED AT THE DRIVE IN, BRANDED A FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - what will they saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, monday at SCHOOL)
today i will, WILL WILL get this uni work done. i've got two thousand words to go and about four weeks to do it, so its really not that bad. i'm worried that i'm gonna be behind forever now, because my extension for my portfolio crosses with the time i start my nursing care study (which i cant even do because i am shit!)
someone buy me an external hardrive or ipod for my laptop please yes? and some shoes and some perfume AND some new dm's (the time is coming when im going to HAVE to retire mine and i am GUTTED)
i've got to move house in a week and i have no time and NO WAY of getting my stuff half way across the city. anyone wanna help?!
gosh im a bit want want want today, i'm having an ID day, a concept borrowed by olly. who i now think is not talking to me becauseeeee i text him when i was drunk saying i had fun! and that would obviously put someone off (this is olly we are talking about) i dont like him anways, ijust dont want him to think that i like him, esp if i dont! im sure that makes sense.
is it wrong that im excited about seeing jo brand at lattitude? she's a former mental health nurse, please dear god tell me thats NOT what my future holds!
so, ive suitably wasted enough time not doing work or getting dressed
*le sigh*