I'm disappointed. In May, I'm going to be going to Europe with a friend. But I don't know anything about Europe, so I asked my followers on tumblr for help. 500 followers and not a single freaking one of them gave me any advice. Not even suggestions on places to go! I'm really frustrated :\
Also, I put in all my paperwork to be an SG, now I just have to shoot my first set. I'm not sure if I want to shoot something with lots of purple lace in a sort of romantic sunday morning setting (seems to be a popular style on SG) or something more nerdy, with my captain america shirt and a marvel garter belt and some tall socks. If anyone is reading this, suggestions?
This is the Captain America shirt
And I got a whole bunch of new lacy things so I've got more garments to wear for sexy sets

Also, I put in all my paperwork to be an SG, now I just have to shoot my first set. I'm not sure if I want to shoot something with lots of purple lace in a sort of romantic sunday morning setting (seems to be a popular style on SG) or something more nerdy, with my captain america shirt and a marvel garter belt and some tall socks. If anyone is reading this, suggestions?
This is the Captain America shirt

And I got a whole bunch of new lacy things so I've got more garments to wear for sexy sets

oh wow, your first set..I'm sure you're nervous. I'm in love with the classy and romantic stuff, could be cool for a first set. But if you feel more comfortable with a shirt - don't hesitate to wear it.
And try to find a staff photogapher - you'll feel way more comfortable...I'm sure you'll look great!
good luck my love <3