New hair 

It's super trendy at art school to have a haircut like this but whatever...>.> I'll do what I want, damnit. And one day, I'll have a glorious deathhawk like this girl:

One day. One day. It probably won't even look good on me when I try to pull it off, but whatever, I will have one, damnit >

It's super trendy at art school to have a haircut like this but whatever...>.> I'll do what I want, damnit. And one day, I'll have a glorious deathhawk like this girl:

One day. One day. It probably won't even look good on me when I try to pull it off, but whatever, I will have one, damnit >

WHOA!!!! Your hair looks fabulous! I love the purple!
hello! thank you very much for the friend request! we are in touch, Regards