I'm going to this this weekend.

Watch out Ohio, shit's about to get weird! My friends Odds &The Ends are playing twice for the rodeo and a couple other side gigs. They fucking rock.
Here's video I shot of them this past winter. It's Zeppelin. They ROCK it! You should watch!
I plan on shooting a documentary of the whole weekend. It'll be the first time I've tried to make a film longer than about 15 min.
If you're in the area, come down and raise some hell!!!! 

Watch out Ohio, shit's about to get weird! My friends Odds &The Ends are playing twice for the rodeo and a couple other side gigs. They fucking rock.
Here's video I shot of them this past winter. It's Zeppelin. They ROCK it! You should watch!
I plan on shooting a documentary of the whole weekend. It'll be the first time I've tried to make a film longer than about 15 min.

thank you!!! i was quite happy about it myself.
it has been so so long. i hope you had a great weekend! looks like it was a fun event