Of course the only time I get any sort of inspiration and mental flow is when I'm laying down. Last night as I was struggling very desperately to fall asleep at a decent hour like, 3 am, I thought up this amazing letter that I wanted to write to this girl. This morning when I was geared up to actually write the damn letter, it wasn't nearly as good. So, I propose that we invent a machine that let connects to your brain that you can broadcast your thoughts into. Your thoughts go from being sleepy tiddlywinks to being actual written statements that you can share with the world, or at least MySpace or whatever blog you're writing nowadays.
There are so many possibilities; you can have crudely drawn sketches from each one of your odd, misunderstood dreams printed out onto a tray beside your bed. If you're trying to be all romantic and smooth, telling a cute girl you had a dream about her, then you can show her the detailed printouts and watch her blush! You can copyright your every thought, simple things like pens and pencils and crayons will be rendered obsolete. After all, they're just simple tools used to convey your thoughts to paper! I imagine inkjet sales will go through the roof. Tyra Banks will have America's Next Top Model done in New Jersey. That has nothing to do with my dream printer outer but who cares? I love that show! Jael should have won, dammit!
Another thing that really grinds my gears is the Lancaster music scene. Boy, does it suck. It seems like one band came through in like, the 90's and every band since then has copied that one band. I'm not saying this because I hate the scene, I'm saying it because the music sucks so bad that even if you go to a show, the audience's only sign of life is when dudes in super tight pants are "hardcore dancing". It must be seen to be believed, I hope to videotape all these dudes doing these dances and put them in cold storage for a while, then a few years in the future, I'm going to hunt down these private dancers and show them just how stupid this stuff was.
It's not exactly insomnia, more like, my internal memory is set wrong. Staying up until sunrise and then sleeping till noon isn't really the best. I have to be up pretty early tomorrow so I really don't know what I'm doing up this late. Shit, I've the words are flowing these easily, I should take advantage of it, right? Yeah!
The Joker! I love that dude. There's been a lot of internet talk going around about Heath Ledger playing the new Joker in "The Dark Knight". First of all, comic book fanboys are never happy, it's a given. Period. They've always got something to bitch or groan about. Remember last week when all those girl fanboys were complaining that, the Mary Jane statue was "too sexy"? Wasn't Mary Jane supposed to be sexy? She was a model!
A lot of people are saying there is only one true Joker, Jack Nicholson. However, when Batman came out back in the day, I bet those same fanboy's fathers were saying "Theres only one true Joker, Caesar Romero." They were wrong then and they're wrong now, shit they're always wrong, they're fanboys. They come with a soapbox to rant absurd rhetoric from!
The true Joker, in my opinion hasn't been properly presented in any movie or tv show, especially the animated series, and especially Tim Burton's Batman. Jack did a great job, but he wasn't scary, more interesting than anything else. The Joker, in his purest sense is a very scary individual who you would never, ever want to meet in person. He's unpredictable, if you smell the flower on his lapel, there is a high chance that poison gas, or acid, or nothing would come out and spray you in the face. If you shake is hand, there is a very high chance that he'll electrocute you or poison you with his handbuzzer. He is a diabolical psychopath the likes of which the real world, (our world) has never seen. He's Osama bin Laden, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy all rolled into one, with pasty white skin, red lips, green hair and a devilish smile. Can Ledger pull it off? Maybe.