Five-Minute fiction - 20:00-20:05
Janson stared into the amber pool of liquid that was his beer and thought back on his life. It wasnt a particularly great life, but you could say it was one of substance. Hed done his fair share of the heavy lifting when it came to difficult things, but as of now hed been reduced to this, just sitting and staring off into space.
Hed found the bar by happenstance during one of his random drunken stumbles through the bowels of the ship. It seemed the further and further you got from the bridge the more and more disgusting and dirty the place became, and by the time you reached the bowels of the ship it more resembled a derelict than the jewel it was supposed to be. But generational ships always had a unique way about them. After all, it took a lot of work to coop people up together for such a period of time.
At first no-one had seemed to notice the divide, the emergence of a gap between the so-called Rich and the so-called Poor. All in all it was all set for a massacre.
Janson stared into the amber pool of liquid that was his beer and thought back on his life. It wasnt a particularly great life, but you could say it was one of substance. Hed done his fair share of the heavy lifting when it came to difficult things, but as of now hed been reduced to this, just sitting and staring off into space.
Hed found the bar by happenstance during one of his random drunken stumbles through the bowels of the ship. It seemed the further and further you got from the bridge the more and more disgusting and dirty the place became, and by the time you reached the bowels of the ship it more resembled a derelict than the jewel it was supposed to be. But generational ships always had a unique way about them. After all, it took a lot of work to coop people up together for such a period of time.
At first no-one had seemed to notice the divide, the emergence of a gap between the so-called Rich and the so-called Poor. All in all it was all set for a massacre.