i really want to stay home and sleep today.
I am exhausted.
i was dreaming in spanish. and in my dreams i understood what the woman was saying. She was bitching with her 2 friends about my desire to make them drive with me 2 or 3 hours to go to the beach rather than just go to the one that was closer. We were in some poor Mexican looking town. It was odd.
Justin spolied me last night taking me to my favorite italian place in brooklyn.I had pasta with fresh tomatoes and arugula. it was tastey. and then i finished reading my tashy vacation novel read and we snuggled into bed by 9:30. It was nice to be wraped in his arms. I fell asleep so quickly and nicely. but i decided we need some seriously high quality sheets. this vacation spoiled me. no longer able to sleep on the cheap-o target ones.
one month today we will be getting ready to leave to PR. No sun or beach until May. BOO.
my aunt took me birthday shopping. in which i obtained a fantastic neclace and earings from peru, a repro print of some artit's from the keys work which was really beautiful, and this amazing dress that I will wear to see the red hots show Sunday! (and celebrate my birthday!)
I actually have to go get ready for work.
I still dont know what to ask J to get me for my birthday.
I am exhausted.
i was dreaming in spanish. and in my dreams i understood what the woman was saying. She was bitching with her 2 friends about my desire to make them drive with me 2 or 3 hours to go to the beach rather than just go to the one that was closer. We were in some poor Mexican looking town. It was odd.
Justin spolied me last night taking me to my favorite italian place in brooklyn.I had pasta with fresh tomatoes and arugula. it was tastey. and then i finished reading my tashy vacation novel read and we snuggled into bed by 9:30. It was nice to be wraped in his arms. I fell asleep so quickly and nicely. but i decided we need some seriously high quality sheets. this vacation spoiled me. no longer able to sleep on the cheap-o target ones.
one month today we will be getting ready to leave to PR. No sun or beach until May. BOO.
my aunt took me birthday shopping. in which i obtained a fantastic neclace and earings from peru, a repro print of some artit's from the keys work which was really beautiful, and this amazing dress that I will wear to see the red hots show Sunday! (and celebrate my birthday!)
I actually have to go get ready for work.
I still dont know what to ask J to get me for my birthday.