less disturbing facts for the day:
The patron saint of homosexuals, bus drivers, taxi drivers, job seekers and migrants is Sarita Colonia who was born in Lima in 1926 and died in 1952 and is buried in Cementerio Baquijano in Callao.
Elvis' nickname for his penis was "Little Elvis".
There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S. than real ones.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th cousins.
Francis Bacon died from stuffing snow into a chicken. One day during a snowstorm he decided to find out if snow would make as good a meat preservative as salt, so he rode out in the storm, got a chicken, had it butchered, and standing outside in the cold storm stuffed the chicken to try and freeze it. He caught bronchitis and died a few weeks later.
Janis Joplin was nominated "Ugliest Man on Campus" while in college.
And my personal favorite: Most of the villians in the Bible have red hair.
The patron saint of homosexuals, bus drivers, taxi drivers, job seekers and migrants is Sarita Colonia who was born in Lima in 1926 and died in 1952 and is buried in Cementerio Baquijano in Callao.
Elvis' nickname for his penis was "Little Elvis".
There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S. than real ones.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th cousins.
Francis Bacon died from stuffing snow into a chicken. One day during a snowstorm he decided to find out if snow would make as good a meat preservative as salt, so he rode out in the storm, got a chicken, had it butchered, and standing outside in the cold storm stuffed the chicken to try and freeze it. He caught bronchitis and died a few weeks later.
Janis Joplin was nominated "Ugliest Man on Campus" while in college.
And my personal favorite: Most of the villians in the Bible have red hair.

Thomas Jefferson (who died just hours apart from John Adams) actually passed away from severe dehydration caused by chronic dysentery.
Most under-rated moment in TV history: The original Waltons episode, which was a Christmas special. Mama Walton walks up to Johnboys room raps on the door, & sez, "Johnboy, what you doin' in that room all by yourself w/ the door locked"?