OK everyone cast your votes - I have a theory that my best friend's mom was A MAN! Just to add to the story, s/he had a raspy smoky voice (did smoke Va Slim 100's), larger than average shoulders, ALWAYS had that hairdo and sort of real estate agent wardrobe going... The whole house was furnished in white and pastel shades... I got stories of conversations s/he had with daughter about sex and dildos that no normal mom should have... Ok fuck it SHE'S A MAN, BABY!!!
And while we're on weirdnesses, I think a vampire's been at my left boob Seriously I just woke up and noticed these marks (they're actually more bluish purple than the picture shows) and I can't come up with ANY earthly way they could have gotten there - they're not bug bites, underwire marks, i haven't been pinched, poked at... No wonder I've been so tired
Well in any case hooray for me, I'm either tasty or being chosen (yeah yeah, it's geeky - I'll drain your blood later)
Well, gotta run, Springer's on the phone.
And while we're on weirdnesses, I think a vampire's been at my left boob Seriously I just woke up and noticed these marks (they're actually more bluish purple than the picture shows) and I can't come up with ANY earthly way they could have gotten there - they're not bug bites, underwire marks, i haven't been pinched, poked at... No wonder I've been so tired

Well, gotta run, Springer's on the phone.
That would be a bleedin' shame.
So it's a dominance thing -- at least that's what I told Bob Hannigan.