THE GRAPES ARE GONE! But we will never forget: never before in history have so many grapes come together for a single purpose - to piss me off.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 07, 2004
BOOM. See those nifty headlines about the suicide bomber in Sri La… -
Tuesday Jul 06, 2004
2 things: acupuncture really works, and I win the message boa… -
Wednesday Jun 30, 2004
Monday happened. That morning I awoke from the most prescient nightm… -
Tuesday Jun 22, 2004
Ok I've been a shit about coming in here lately. This new job has go… -
Monday Jun 07, 2004
I found something today. I didn't even realize I'd lost it. But som… -
Friday Jun 04, 2004
Thank god for parties tomorrow night - I've been bored out of my mind… -
Sunday May 30, 2004
Just read an article about this woman in SF getting asssaulted for ha… -
Monday May 24, 2004
Not too much going on right now on account of new job and being kinda… -
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Thanks for the support and advice - now if you could all just relocat… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
Good god. I'm getting old. This has been bothering me all damn day. …
How about $15 a kilogram??? That's $2 cheaper than the current rate.
Next time you should get your people to talk to my people?