odes to irish whisky, an essay in haiku
Irish whiskey haiku 1:
first taste, I make face
potent, demanding, present
tongue coated, I drink.
Irish whiskey haiku 2:
combined with Tom Waits
alchemy occurs, changing
goodness to beauty.
Irish whiskey haiku 3:
escape from NewYork
Snake Pliskin must get away
whisky is my ride.
Irish whiskey haiku 4:
one half of a fifth
may be a lifetime to some
A weekday to me
Irish whiskey haiku 5:
waltzing matilda
no waltzing. no matilda.
maybe tomorrow?
Irish whiskey haiku 6:
I would rather be
looking into your brown eyes
than drinking whisky
Irish whiskey haiku 7:
I would rather be
listening to your stories
than drinking whisky
Irish whiskey haiku 8:
I would rather be
helping you to orgasm
than drinking whisky
Irish whiskey haiku 1:
first taste, I make face
potent, demanding, present
tongue coated, I drink.
Irish whiskey haiku 2:
combined with Tom Waits
alchemy occurs, changing
goodness to beauty.
Irish whiskey haiku 3:
escape from NewYork
Snake Pliskin must get away
whisky is my ride.
Irish whiskey haiku 4:
one half of a fifth
may be a lifetime to some
A weekday to me
Irish whiskey haiku 5:
waltzing matilda
no waltzing. no matilda.
maybe tomorrow?
Irish whiskey haiku 6:
I would rather be
looking into your brown eyes
than drinking whisky
Irish whiskey haiku 7:
I would rather be
listening to your stories
than drinking whisky
Irish whiskey haiku 8:
I would rather be
helping you to orgasm
than drinking whisky
Those haikus are awesome. You wrote them all, right?