oi. so i finally called about some apartments yesterday at work, with much pushing and shoving from my boss. apparently she decided i should NOT be homeless. oh wells. heard back from 2 places so far, one is a 2 bedroom near me, and another sounds 'studio'ish. very very small 1 bedroom. both relatively affordable, esp if i get a roomate in the 2 bed. i know i know, i said i dont want one, but theres 1 or 2 people id consider for the position. bailing out of work early tomorrow to go see the one place, the other is sunday at NINE AM. gee thanks. i dont like to sleep or anything...fuck.
we just filled our vacant roommate slot... but she hasn't moved in yet... our old roommate owned EVERYTHING in the apartment, so now me and darryl realize we can't do a goddamn thing, our TV is gone (no Simpsons) our microwave is gone (no dinner), luckily she left the toilet and the refrigerator...
Good luck with the apt. search.