went to see the riddick flick today. i was actually surprised that i didnt want to run out of the theatre. it was a decent action flick, and a bit too well set up for an infinite amount of sequels. i do see on imdb that its gonna be a trilogy (not including pitch black oddly). might be interesting. the girl that played jack/keira was pretty sweet looking too
speaking of movies, spiderman 2 soon, good times.
so apparently the cure has a new cd out this week i believe. it better not be a greatest hits. i think i mentioned this before...but it better not be damnit. i cant stop thinking about how pissed ill be if it is!
must...find...apartment. i want to move closer to where i work. im sick of driving on the these shitty highways and having the paint on my car get totally fucked every day. its 100% gross how many chips i have in the paint on my front end...and pretty much all the way up the hood. ive got alot of marks in my glass too, but those are more tolerable. chipped glass is still clear after all
fuck you massachusetts. fuck you right in the ass.
i cant wait till next year already! im fairly certain (99%) im going to move, though im not sure where to yet. any ideas? i really liked AZ when i was out there...should i hit up CA or the west coast somewhere? where are there lots of fun single girls exactly, ones who play video games and like to chill? inform me please because i keep moving to stupid states

so apparently the cure has a new cd out this week i believe. it better not be a greatest hits. i think i mentioned this before...but it better not be damnit. i cant stop thinking about how pissed ill be if it is!
must...find...apartment. i want to move closer to where i work. im sick of driving on the these shitty highways and having the paint on my car get totally fucked every day. its 100% gross how many chips i have in the paint on my front end...and pretty much all the way up the hood. ive got alot of marks in my glass too, but those are more tolerable. chipped glass is still clear after all

i cant wait till next year already! im fairly certain (99%) im going to move, though im not sure where to yet. any ideas? i really liked AZ when i was out there...should i hit up CA or the west coast somewhere? where are there lots of fun single girls exactly, ones who play video games and like to chill? inform me please because i keep moving to stupid states

Hah.. I got tickets for the Cure.