well im starting the long recovery to being well again. i hate being sick. like really really hate it. i refuse to do or take anything so it makes it that much worse. i actually slept for a total of 4-5 hours between sunday night and thursday when i finally broke down and bought some nyquil. then i PROMPTLY slept for around 22 hours. and felt much the better afterwards.
my situation down here simply does not want to improve. ive applied everywhere i can think of, and some suggestions from other people, and still no luck. job market = the suck. im pawning 3 things on ebay to pay my rent and car payment this month, and if things dont look better by mid-oct i may have to cut out of my lease somehow, and live on a couch in NC or VA for a bit till i get things straight. id hate to leave here after just starting to get to know the place, but what can ya do....im just floundering around right now.
my situation down here simply does not want to improve. ive applied everywhere i can think of, and some suggestions from other people, and still no luck. job market = the suck. im pawning 3 things on ebay to pay my rent and car payment this month, and if things dont look better by mid-oct i may have to cut out of my lease somehow, and live on a couch in NC or VA for a bit till i get things straight. id hate to leave here after just starting to get to know the place, but what can ya do....im just floundering around right now.

have you tried any temp agencies? Have you ventured over to tampa? Best of luck to you sweetie!

i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.. not that it's the BEST.. but getting closer to the end of the year, it should be a little easier to get into retail one way or another.. the job i just passed up was stocking.. and they said the hours would get more plentiful come closer to december.. good luck!!!