so here's the official news. im moving back to PA as of august 1st. my dad is doing better i suppose, and is going to need alot of help when he is out of the hospital. i feel it is my duty to help the man who gave me so much for so long.
right now the stress lies in this godawful cough i cant shake, hoping i can get transfered with xerox so i dont have to job hunt, and trying to figure out how to move all my shit! hopefully i will get to see my MA friends one more time before i head out
theres only 2 weekends left after all!
right now the stress lies in this godawful cough i cant shake, hoping i can get transfered with xerox so i dont have to job hunt, and trying to figure out how to move all my shit! hopefully i will get to see my MA friends one more time before i head out

ps. if you give me your address i will send you a card of some sort since you missed out on a christmas one this year.
i hope