i love the random things that pass through your head as you start to fall asleep. last night it occured to me that i remember more about some past girlfriends houses than i do about them.
i distinctly remember the placement of every piece of furniture in my first girlfriends house, and i do mean EVERY. it was a wonderful little place, just over market st bridge in kingston PA. the house is currently abandoned and i cannot figure out why. when her family left for florida the house went up for sale, and there it sat, until it became a rundown piece of shit like it is now. all the windows are broken and boarded up, the inground pool is full of trees and plants and is totally destroyed, it looks ready to fall apart. i dont understand how it could have gotten so bad if they had intentions of selling it.
then there was this girl jessica, a few years before i moved to MA. i dont remember the house much, but i do recall her bedroom very well, as we spent most of our time together there. she lived about an hour away from me and every single weekend of our relationship i went and stayed at her place. she had the best bed. it was a massive queen sized water bed, the non-wavey ones. she had dozens of pillows and blankets and sheets all over it. it was the only place i think i have ever slept for 10 straight hours and not even moved an inch. i dont even remember this girls last name, and i remember EXACTLY what her tv stand and bedroom look like.
or how about the girl who i was seeing the summer before i moved here, leslie. she was going to penn state, the campus up in lehman. i remember her dorm rather well. i remember on the stairs up to her place, they had decorated with xmas lights yearround. i remember the various clear bottles they had filled with different colored liquids they had placed precariously along the banner at the top, with lights underneath (it looked awesome). i remember the tiny little tv directly at the foot of her bed we would play ps1 games on. i couldnt even begin to tell you what color her eyes were though.
is this a strange thing unique to me? do i just have really bad people memory? and the big question is, why the fuck did i think of this at 4am when i was trying to sleep?
i had some strange dreams last night. didnt sleep well, of course, tossing and turning, and i got up at least 3 times because i swear i had to piss, only to get to the bathroom and find myself disappointed because the feeling had gone away. also woke up 2 times this morning thinking i was going to puke, with the same end result as the pissing thing. it was a bad night for sleep. the dreams were good though, zombie hunting and hot sex included. cant go wrong there.
ps - and where the fuck exactly did my favorite sg's go? they are all blank. what the fuck....
pss - fixed the ps!
i distinctly remember the placement of every piece of furniture in my first girlfriends house, and i do mean EVERY. it was a wonderful little place, just over market st bridge in kingston PA. the house is currently abandoned and i cannot figure out why. when her family left for florida the house went up for sale, and there it sat, until it became a rundown piece of shit like it is now. all the windows are broken and boarded up, the inground pool is full of trees and plants and is totally destroyed, it looks ready to fall apart. i dont understand how it could have gotten so bad if they had intentions of selling it.
then there was this girl jessica, a few years before i moved to MA. i dont remember the house much, but i do recall her bedroom very well, as we spent most of our time together there. she lived about an hour away from me and every single weekend of our relationship i went and stayed at her place. she had the best bed. it was a massive queen sized water bed, the non-wavey ones. she had dozens of pillows and blankets and sheets all over it. it was the only place i think i have ever slept for 10 straight hours and not even moved an inch. i dont even remember this girls last name, and i remember EXACTLY what her tv stand and bedroom look like.
or how about the girl who i was seeing the summer before i moved here, leslie. she was going to penn state, the campus up in lehman. i remember her dorm rather well. i remember on the stairs up to her place, they had decorated with xmas lights yearround. i remember the various clear bottles they had filled with different colored liquids they had placed precariously along the banner at the top, with lights underneath (it looked awesome). i remember the tiny little tv directly at the foot of her bed we would play ps1 games on. i couldnt even begin to tell you what color her eyes were though.
is this a strange thing unique to me? do i just have really bad people memory? and the big question is, why the fuck did i think of this at 4am when i was trying to sleep?
i had some strange dreams last night. didnt sleep well, of course, tossing and turning, and i got up at least 3 times because i swear i had to piss, only to get to the bathroom and find myself disappointed because the feeling had gone away. also woke up 2 times this morning thinking i was going to puke, with the same end result as the pissing thing. it was a bad night for sleep. the dreams were good though, zombie hunting and hot sex included. cant go wrong there.
ps - and where the fuck exactly did my favorite sg's go? they are all blank. what the fuck....
pss - fixed the ps!
ha! im sitting here racking my brain trying to think of what house you mean over the bridge! arrrrgh!
and here i sit closing my eyes trying to visualize going over the bridge and seeing this house..how about which side of the road is it on??? were looking for a new place to live hahha..ok serious time though for reals hahha. ok, no really...believe me when i say i think its normal to think of weird stuff when youre about to sleep. i think it may have to do with the subconscious taking over at night and the ego leaving while you sleep???sorry you had a bad time sleeoping. maybe you need to hook yourself up with one of those waterbeds like that second gal had. if it makes you sleep better and you thought of it right before you had a craptastic night of sleep maybe your self was telling you something. but hey, what the heck do i know.