holy crap its cold in my apt. the heat does not appear to be working and its a lovely 60 in here. fucking hell. i cant think of anything that i did last year to shut the heat off for good...unless my landlord decided not to pay whatever bill we need for heat. maybe a fuse is out in the basement. thats always fun. the guy that rents the front of the house has 3 houses worth of CRAP down there, i swear. sometimes its a challenge to even get through the steps to get to the basement. blah. blankets it is!
It was really great to see you again. ThePassenger and ClaudiaJean ended up giving us a ride home, so everything turned out okay. We left early because I couldn't see anything, which I was kind of pissed about, but oh well. Hopefully, I'll get to see you soon again.
thanks for the comment on my set luv.