so i am landed in paradise...but my friends parents flight was delayed so i was stranded on st. luckily they called and put me up in a hotel, which turned out to be a 3 bd room condo with a private pool and jacuzzi....oh and they had the local market deliver a case of beer. they know me so well..i couldnt be more thankful for them hooking me up...i went and looked at a few apartments while i was there(i am in the british islands now, their flight came in and they met me on st. john and we took a ferry over to their house). i went out to the beach while i was on st. john and ended up hanging at some local bars at night....
this is how i started

..and this is how i ended

here are some of the beach pics i took.

this is how i started

..and this is how i ended

here are some of the beach pics i took.


looks like u had a blast!