"Organ Donor"
Fuck Yeah!!! I'm still at work at 12:40, with no going home in sight. fucking rad. at least theres double-time. i truly hate three people that i work with, one being the cankles you might have seen last update, the other being james guggles pissocks the hutt, and the other being this dude we call falco. falco looks like sam the eagle from the muppet show. im probably going to end up sleeping here at work, which kicks ass. i wish this building was taller because im not completely convinced 6 stories would kill me.
Fuck Yeah!!! I'm still at work at 12:40, with no going home in sight. fucking rad. at least theres double-time. i truly hate three people that i work with, one being the cankles you might have seen last update, the other being james guggles pissocks the hutt, and the other being this dude we call falco. falco looks like sam the eagle from the muppet show. im probably going to end up sleeping here at work, which kicks ass. i wish this building was taller because im not completely convinced 6 stories would kill me.

i'm like that.