Its 5:20 am and im still at work, all you people sleeping comfortably in your beds can fuck off.
Update: 11:51 am - im still here.
Update: 4:37 pm - still here
So i finally left work at 8 pm on friday. so i was home for a total of 3 hours between wednesday and friday, just to shower. i got 13 hours of sleep last night and im ready to work another 3 days in a row.
Its 5:20 am and im still at work, all you people sleeping comfortably in your beds can fuck off.

Update: 11:51 am - im still here.

Update: 4:37 pm - still here

So i finally left work at 8 pm on friday. so i was home for a total of 3 hours between wednesday and friday, just to shower. i got 13 hours of sleep last night and im ready to work another 3 days in a row.

I hardly play anymore but i'm Slikk of The Ho Train, $hT usually in West 4. You?