"March of the Pigs"
So, after all the shit that took place last weekend im surprisingly alright. i lost alot of shit money-wise, but ive realized they were just possessions. the videogames i lost were merely part of a collection. i had either completed them or i wasnt going to play them again, for the most part. same with the dvds. i was prouder of the collection i had built than anything else. the more i think about it, its kind of lame. im pissed about the computer, but other than that, its just a monetary loss. im happy that the ignorant fucks that stole my shit didnt steal my books. that would have probably pushed me over the edge. im bummed that they stole gschnider 's ipod, if i could choose to have one thing back, that would be it. so i guess, im pretty much over it. the cops are meeting me at my apartment in the morning to get some fingerprints and try and see if anything pops up. i do still hope that really evil shit happens to the people that did this, but ill be fine if nothing is recovered. maybe it took having $16,000 worth of shit stolen from me to realize that life is more than possessions, but hey shit happens, and shit happens for weird reasons. i know i didnt deserve it and thats worth something to me. im in desperate need of a tattoo, this is one of those life-changing times im going through and i want something to be a physical marker of this bump in the road.
"With Teeth"
Work has been pretty shitty the last couple of days. never because of the people i work closely with, but with the overall mood of the company. the company i work for has made alot of high quality games that people poured alot of their life into. it seems that with this current project the only people that give a shit are me, another tester, and a few scattered people. the people who are living comfortably all because theyve been lucky enough to make videogames for a living seem to not give a shit, like theyre owed the good life they live. my boss is pushing to bring me and one other guy on permanently, as of right now were hired as contract work for the duration of the project, so unless we get hired, ill be out of a job again in october. fuct. starting next weekend, i will officially be living at work. it seems that this weekend will be the last free one until the beginning of october. its kind of weird, but i dig it. 100+ hour weeks, and coworkers become family for a few months. your schedule eventually gets thrown out the window and it becomes work for as long as you can stay up, sleep for as short as you can to be rested, and then do it again. for 90+ days in a row. it makes you forget real quick all of the petty shit that can easily consume your daily life when you have too much free time.
Im almost out of steam here, so ill try and wrap it up. all of you people that respond to my entries are fuckin grate, i really appreciate the insight and the humor. for everyone in the L.A. area you need to go to The Counter and order their apple pie shake, fucking incredible. alright peace out and stay sucka free.
p.s. DrummerboysGrrl feel free to correct anything you see thats wrong grammatically or otherwise. and lastly, id like to answer any question you have, preferably a random and/or personal one.
So, after all the shit that took place last weekend im surprisingly alright. i lost alot of shit money-wise, but ive realized they were just possessions. the videogames i lost were merely part of a collection. i had either completed them or i wasnt going to play them again, for the most part. same with the dvds. i was prouder of the collection i had built than anything else. the more i think about it, its kind of lame. im pissed about the computer, but other than that, its just a monetary loss. im happy that the ignorant fucks that stole my shit didnt steal my books. that would have probably pushed me over the edge. im bummed that they stole gschnider 's ipod, if i could choose to have one thing back, that would be it. so i guess, im pretty much over it. the cops are meeting me at my apartment in the morning to get some fingerprints and try and see if anything pops up. i do still hope that really evil shit happens to the people that did this, but ill be fine if nothing is recovered. maybe it took having $16,000 worth of shit stolen from me to realize that life is more than possessions, but hey shit happens, and shit happens for weird reasons. i know i didnt deserve it and thats worth something to me. im in desperate need of a tattoo, this is one of those life-changing times im going through and i want something to be a physical marker of this bump in the road.
"With Teeth"
Work has been pretty shitty the last couple of days. never because of the people i work closely with, but with the overall mood of the company. the company i work for has made alot of high quality games that people poured alot of their life into. it seems that with this current project the only people that give a shit are me, another tester, and a few scattered people. the people who are living comfortably all because theyve been lucky enough to make videogames for a living seem to not give a shit, like theyre owed the good life they live. my boss is pushing to bring me and one other guy on permanently, as of right now were hired as contract work for the duration of the project, so unless we get hired, ill be out of a job again in october. fuct. starting next weekend, i will officially be living at work. it seems that this weekend will be the last free one until the beginning of october. its kind of weird, but i dig it. 100+ hour weeks, and coworkers become family for a few months. your schedule eventually gets thrown out the window and it becomes work for as long as you can stay up, sleep for as short as you can to be rested, and then do it again. for 90+ days in a row. it makes you forget real quick all of the petty shit that can easily consume your daily life when you have too much free time.
Im almost out of steam here, so ill try and wrap it up. all of you people that respond to my entries are fuckin grate, i really appreciate the insight and the humor. for everyone in the L.A. area you need to go to The Counter and order their apple pie shake, fucking incredible. alright peace out and stay sucka free.
p.s. DrummerboysGrrl feel free to correct anything you see thats wrong grammatically or otherwise. and lastly, id like to answer any question you have, preferably a random and/or personal one.
My oldest daughter told my dad tonight that she didnt want to say goodbye to him. My dad is real real sick andI dont know how much longer he'll be around. Then in the car on the way home, she told me that she doesnt love him. I know she doesnt understand...shes only 4 1/2. But words hurt. And that just about killed me.