my my. I have danced this week to the end of soap. The fin de pickle.

I think I can come back now. Looks like the fire went out. I been on a stomp of zero cool proportions. One ferocious pot-boiler!

What is it that I did? A spectacular display of cognitive misbehavior. I did a very towering Nothing.

I dodged and wound around ringing...
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reprogram it? bwahahahaha. good fucking luck.
you send me that damn battery then. it's much more useful than the remote itself.

suicidegirls don't negotiate with remote stealing terrorists.
yeah,ya lost me. But I think that was your point all along. surreal
your ex fiance'?
oh poop.

a brillilant idea has just reached the grinding point just prior to completion. there is nothing in front of my eyes, nothing under my butt save the execution of this little scheme.

if you love me, please o please nail me with some juicy encouragement


1 I did a good deed earlier.
2 The wedding I cancelled was to be...
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change as the only constant is something I always have to remind myself. I stopped making plans awhile ago. life doesn't go by plans, who am I to think it'll listen to little ol me? if it was meant to be it will and will be even sweeter. Change goes for courage too. Your comment about reminding yourself about being courageous in the past helped me in the today. thanks.
".,.the power that governs the earth is not
the power of Life but of Death; and the inner need that has
nerved Life to the effort of organizing itself into the human
being is not the need for higher life but for a more efficient
engine of destruction. The plague, the famine, the earthquake,
the tempest were too spasmodic in their action; the tiger and...
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You bought me a book? That is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. Thank you so much. Maybe when I can afford to start seeing these 1,000 places you can come along. smile Thanks again! kiss love kiss
You're a doll. love
Oh they came out in droves!

It was a sight to see. The weekend was not without its challenges, though. Managed to get in the car by 3 on Friday. Five and a half hours later the gods of the five let me pull into San Diego. I was fried.

The bender the night before was just the frosting on the hangnail.

I was a...
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I'm glad you are my new friend, too. What's your new tattoo going to be?
Good luck finding it then. If you come across any cool gothic artwork, send it my way.
We're a dying breed (see the guy who just posted below you in my journal).

I'm not so fond of the gibson myself, but I'm an olive lover and often drink mine dirty.
i'm never off the hook - though sometimes i'm on it by choice

population (last i knew) 1,400 - in south western interior maine - you must know maine very well to have ever heard of the small town that spit me out the first chance it had... i still go back to taunt them all - they love it and dread it

where's moody's? i like rhubarb
Today I fought the Universe.

I got my ever lovin teeth kicked in. The Universe wears welder's boots encrusted with pointy diamonds and Things That Will Get In Your Teeth. It's almost midnight and I might have to stop attempting to get anything done.

Comic con comin... See you on the floor yo.

gets hard and harder, the piston strains to the mortar
that's when...
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Sacramento looks and tastes and smells like Witchita Kansas.
they have one of those organs there RIGHT NOW for $75. i kid you not. go asap; i really wanted it but have no where to put it.
if you sing my favorite mountain goats song on an organ on the street, you will be my favorite person.

if thats not reason enough, i dont know what it.
Well. Up all night again, thank god. I love a good deadline. I get nothing done otherwise. Not like pooping around here qualifies, but all work and no SG...

There's a remerkable production of The Nutcracker Suite rehearsing in my closet. They're getting a jump on the holiday season, they say. I say their Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies is sloppy and ill-conceived. They...
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Dearest Monsieur Garamondyo,

You also double-post.

Sincere Regards,

Post-Script: Deadline for what?
Bah! Coffee! Vile tempress, evil mistress!
Hey, vile is an anagram of evil.

Revelation of the day!
[As once the winged energy of delight]

As once the winged energy of delight
carried you over childhood's dark abysses,
now beyond your own life build the great
arch of unimagined bridges.

Wonders happen if we can succeed
in passing through the harshest danger;
but only in a bright and purely granted
achievement can we realize the wonder.

To work with Things in the indescribable...
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that made me laugh.
you are strange.
i am bookmarking you as interesting.
I can see most of LA from here the whole basin is crackling and popping like a motherfucker. Its brilliant. I wonder if the riots sounded the same if you closed your eyes. I hope it doesnt stop all night.

Train whistles now too. Its so great. Here in America we love it when things go boom. I wonder if they celebrate independence elsewhere with...
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i am far too skiddish for fireworks.

and my friends who took a look at my car said it's probably just the wiring that's fucked, due to a laundry list of symptoms i was telling them about. i got lucky and my father is out of town, so i was able to take his car to the office today.

Surprisingly, T.O. to downtown was only a 45 min drive; the lack of traffic was befuddling.