what could be better than people becoming themselves.

I'm biased these days, cause I have, all of a sudden, emerged from the nethers of the rock I was blowing coke under. Happily, I might add.

What will get you out? No amount of shame or fear can eject you from self indulgence, only the thrill of becoming bigger and newer than when you began.

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PS: Great journal.
Good luck with that battle, & Happy Fucking Birthday! I love the effect you Photoshopped into your profile pic, I forget the name of it..
oh crap

Well, short story is longer than the long story and the long story has too many letters in it. Needless to say, fingers would be fucking achy by the end of that accounting. So here's the pitch...

Idiot opens account at Bank of Scotland in attempt to transfer money to US account to prevent overdraft. Teller has incredible cold and is taking way...
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Also I was thinking Capernicous for the boy.

edit: since i do like the name churchill for the boy, and he had no sisters, it could either be Lady Randolph Churchill (nice ring to it, it's winston's mother), or Elizabeth Ann Everest (winston's childhood nurse).

Or, hell, I could go with Fluffy or Muffin.

[Edited on Sep 12, 2005 7:27PM]
Tango! You're brilliant. That may be it.
Here - I feel like a raisin.

- a death
- a dalliance, ill-advised and ill-considered
- a false alarm
- been sleeping to avoid fate
- several resolute vows regarding the future
- the release of my last film
- an impending trip to England brings tasking

If fortune favors you do not be elated; if she frowns do not despond.
- Decimus Magnus...
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Boy oh boy oh boy oh crapping frigidaire bongo truck.

When you put things in boxes, close them, stack them together...

Couldn't you toss any one of the fuckers and never miss the contents?

I did a pantload of boxing things this week. It was the occaision of my final withdrawal from the former Benevolent People's Republick of Garamondistan. I have closed the Embassy, freed...
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Today was the day I would own a screwdriver,
- thinks I as I leave with a new belt for the vacuum cleaner,
Phillips! A really good one.

When I got it home the belts had somehow evaporated and the hard rubber casing on the screwdriver that you hang it by cannot be removed from the item because of a - drum roll please -...
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that was i! you shouldve said hi.
you are a strange, strange man.
Not surprising, and yet, quite comforting. smile
It's not like being sad. Have Irrelevance to brunch and see how truly perplexing it is to eat with a thing that you can neither matter to, nor pretend it doesn't make you want to beg. Beg to be reinvited - or rather beg to join some fiction-nation that can only be defined by its exclusion.

tough beat up.

edited twelve hours later:

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There has been a concern - here with the hoi polloi - that dating profiles communicate a certain 'palpative desperation' that may or may not be desireable. I can't speak to this, this 'gen o cide quoi". Nor do I care to.

recently -

flight to Philly was uneventful.
the weekend spent uneventfully.
I was informed of my impending layover in Chicago and took advantage...
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Cotidiana vilescunt

Familiarity breeds contempt.

people deserve each other. it is impressive how inclined loved and cherished friends are to ripping each others flesh apart. things we would never in a million years do to strangers. it could even be that people bind to each other perhaps to create the opportunity, or at least provide themselves the option for truly vicious emotional warfare.

awareness is...
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