me... i'm crazy as usual. I'm so excited about getting my hair colored tmrw, nothing dramatic but this damn washed out red isn't working anymore, looks like fuck. today was my day off and i did nothing all day, slept a bit. Last night me and my friend Chris hung out until i kicked him out at 5 this morning and that was dif. How I am supose to not want to fuck him now that hes in my room?? AH, anyhow thats another long story, but as for now I'm single, loving it, but still so lonely in some ways.
me... i'm crazy as usual. I'm so excited about getting my hair colored tmrw, nothing dramatic but this damn washed out red isn't working anymore, looks like fuck. today was my day off and i did nothing all day, slept a bit. Last night me and my friend Chris hung out until i kicked him out at 5 this morning and that was dif. How I am supose to not want to fuck him now that hes in my room?? AH, anyhow thats another long story, but as for now I'm single, loving it, but still so lonely in some ways.
you'll just have to seduce him with your feminine wiles.