Frustrated, so I'm seeing this new guy for a bit now and we had sex for the first time last night, it was mindboggling!! My question to those reading is is there a possiblity for a guy *after 3 years without having sex* would just not cum?? Believe me, I'm good in the sack, we were at it for three hours *off and on* with SHITLOADS of foreplay, but after it all, he never came, yet he was still hard. He did kinda precum a few times while I was giving him head, but NO grand finale!! WTF? So of course *being the giver I am* I was pissed at myself I ddn't know what else to do. I was on my knees giving head for at least 30 mins of the process before and I was suprised he was holding out so well *after 3 years and all* he swears it's all good, he had a great experience and he said the whole time he dated his last gf he never came completely at the end either, is that normal?? I'm usually the one that doesn't get enough, and I was like butter after we had sex, so what could be the issue?? I just couldn't imagine us having a relationship and him never cumming, i mean wtf? and if it matters he's 'uncut' would that make any difference? He swears its not a big deal but its just eating at me!! ADVICE PLEASE!!! I need to please him!
Its no reflectiion on you....and from your proberly had half your friends list cumming from your description