hmmmm... first journal entry. Well, I'm at work looking at naked punk girls so life can't be too bad. Looking forward to a weekend of drinking, smoking and playing with hydroponics.
I'll have to find a pic to put up when I get home.
I want to be a SG. Too bad I have a penis.
I guess I will just have to live with vagina envy
as I am the least androgynous of all my friends.
Oh well. I'll just focus on photographing hot people that I would like to be and take my self loathing out on my masochistic play things.
I'll have to find a pic to put up when I get home.
I want to be a SG. Too bad I have a penis.
Oh well. I'll just focus on photographing hot people that I would like to be and take my self loathing out on my masochistic play things.
thank you so much! you made me smile so big before a nice long day at work..
i am at the hut every night it seems haha partys are always fun and i have tomorrow off. so if you can find me, perhaps i shall come. i work til 10 tonight, ill be there afterward.