This is my lap, bitch:
Work Gossip
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I didn't get the job. AA interviewed all the candidates and I was in the top three, too bad I was No. 3. Honestly I was only in the top three because an LAT editor said two others weren't that great so they got cut out. AA told me I'd be great for the job -- in a year or two or maybe elsewhere in my career (i.e. GTFO now). Basically he doesn't think I'm old enough. He told this to the reporters as well.
So the guy who did get it isn't impressing me. He's not impressing the cops reporter either.
So far he has:
Placed a detailed, very specific note about how creme brulee should be accented instead of asking someone, anyone how to insert accents. After the first reference he wrote "Please follow my specific instructions as I have detailed them above." I could have smacked him for making me do his job.
Hauled the cops reporter into AA's office for getting scooped by LAT. Except we weren't scooped. We just didn't lead with the information that AA and the new guy thought was most important. The hilarious part is they both read the story. It was in there so why didn't they suggest moving it up? But again, management I'm sure never, EVER makes mistakes, right?
In a Q and A type article with the general manager of a maternity clothing store he asked what's different about maternity clothes. From the woman's answer you could tell she thought it was a dumb questions. She tried to elaborate how the clothes are made and mentioned ruching. He wrote a note to my department that she pronounced it roue-ing and that's how it should be spelled. Great, except Mr. I've Got A Lot Of Reporting Experience, wouldn't a good reporter ask what that means and how it's spelled? I knew "rouge-ing" was wrong. And I knew how to spell rouching. Must be because I'm a woman and do so much sewing.
In the same story he asked her if the store carried any "sexier" items. Now, I'm all for lingerie and such for pregnant ladies, but this is a family newspaper. Why would you ask something like that?!
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. AA is training him. So he's pretty much learning everything the wrong way. I don't want to help him on the one hand because if I'm good enough to train him, I'm good enough to have the job. It's bad enough I trained the fucking robot to do his job.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)She moved out yesterday. I'm rather sad she's gone. She was a pretty good roommate, except the smelly dog and not cleaning up after herself.
I had a guy lined up to move in, but he only gave me $100 to hold the room and wouldn't give me the rest of the deposit. He also wasn't very forthcoming about giving me his credit report. So I told him I was uncomfortable with the situation and would mail him a check to refund his money. He said he had the next day off so he'd come pick it up. I had go to the mechanic so I left a check in an envelope with his name on it under the doormat. He had to ask me for the address again and then didn't pick it up for three days. Those are all bad signs.
Yesterday a former co-worker stopped by to look at the place. Her boyfriend is going to walk to country for six months. They're going to move in Nov. 1. He's only staying for a month or so until he starts his adventure. I told her we should split the utilities three ways while he's here and she seemed OK with that. I know my mother would say they should pay more rent, but as he's not going to be here for that long, I'm OK with it. Did I mention I work with him too? And he's such a sweetheart so I know them both pretty well and I really really like them. She has a black cat named Cleveland. I'm really excited for this change.
General Crap
House is getting fumigated next week. I'm nervous about having to bag all my food, get all the stuff I'll need for three days packed up and then staying with my brother. I should have asked my landlord if I could get a discount for those three days. Damnit.
I had a migraine for the first time in a long time this morning. I woke up with it. I had the lights in my left eye and couldn't see. Then my left arm went numb. I took some tylenol and crashed. But my tongue was tingly and felt like it was burning and not in a good spicy food way. Two hour nap later and I felt a lot better, but took some Excedrin migraine pills just to be safe.
I cooked dinner for three boys a couple weeks ago. I'm thinking never EVER again. I love cooking but it was just too stressful and I suspect none of them was really thrilled with the food. Their loss.
One of those boys tried setting me up with a friend of his simply because the duder's tall. *head desk* As my mom said, "Tall is good, but you need brains too." Gotta love my mom.
Koleeta bought me this:

The sonic screwdriver is really a pen. I lent it to my boss and he was very confused. He finally got the pen part open and then asked how the hell it was a screwdriver. Poor, poor boss (the good boss we like).
Family Stuff
It's long.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Grandpa went to a psychiatrist last week. He actually talked about what's going on. He's been refusing because he's afraid we'll all think he's crazy. He's just so stressed and drained over the whole thing. It's been going on for so long now.
The doctor said he doesn't have dementia like the original doctors thought. But he might be schizophrenic because he hears a voice in his head.
Previously, I thought John was either a salesman or a family friend, but it turns out it's the voice who tells Grandpa stuff like my grandmother is cheating on him or that he (the voice) is going to hurt her.
The doctor gave him new meds and Mema has been slipping it into his coffee, which isn't working because he takes four hours to drink one cup. He won't take it because it makes him sleepy. Anyway, I guess they're sort of working but wearing off quickly so she has to up the dosage. I'm just hoping that he can be comfortable again. I'm not expecting a full recovery (the man is 80 and has been frail for years), but I'm hoping for one.
It's really hard for me to see men older than him who are doing so well. They're mobile and all there mentally and my poor grandfather thinks every house he stays in is bugged or he talks to himself for hours and hours. I know it's taking it's toll on the rest of my family, particularly Mema and my mom (my aunt is a whole other story: Her only child joined the Marines, her father is sick, she's working 14-hour days, etc.). I seriously thought about telling my job I would telecommute and move to Kansas to help Mema with Grandpa. I know, Kansas sucks, but Grandma can't do this all alone. She is thinking about moving in with my aunt for the winter. That would probably be better for them (no snow, Mema has friends here, I could take Grandpa out for the day and give her a break, etc.).
He got beamed back up to the mother ship:

Too bad they sent him back 'cause he was too fat to fit in the ship.