I'm still pissed at work. It brought me to tears twice Wednesday, among other things. Basically, the people in charge are fuckwits who have no clue what they are doing.
Additionally, I'm really fucking tired of people nitpicking the shit my department does. If we miss one homonym out of the four papers we're putting together, I think we're doing pretty damn well. I invite those people to come do my job for a week. I want to see how long they'd last. Harumph!
Went to another Derby Dolls game. The Swam from San Diego are really great at blocking. Fight Crew just could not get past the blockers. I think FC also got too many penalties resulting in too many players sitting out the jams.
I bought a Varsity Brawlers softball type shirt and it's perfect. It makes me look suer slender but with giant bristols (thanks EnglandAway). I'm figuring I'll get FC's and Tough Cookies' next. I didn't like the Sirens because it seemed rather plain, but we'll see. I also want Tara Armov's shirt. "Better Red than Dead," brilliant.
I'm sad I won't be able to make the next game as I'll be in SF. You people should go. VIP tickets are well worth the money (I know, $40 is a lot). Get there early to get good seats. Sadly, we got stuck in front of a group that acted like they knew everything about the Dolls (I won't pretend I know all, but hey I've gone to enough games to know about the time they started using pivots, unlike those people who kept saying, "I don't know about this pivot thing. It must be new." Actually, it's almost a year old, ding bat).
During the first half I sat next to a young man (OK so he's probably about my age) who must have had a very small penis based on his behavior. Stomping the stands so hard you knock other people's beers down is pretty stupid not to mention wasteful and not very green.
The people in front of us had signs for their friend/family member. That's cool, but it isn't necessary to hold them up during most of the game, especially when your player ain't even on the field, yo. To make matters worse, they decided to stand during some of the better jams. I felt like tapping them on the shoulder and explaining that the point of paying for VIP is so I don't have to stand. And they kept pulling out cameras, which are verboten. Kinda pisses requiem and I off because we'd like to take pictures of the people we know. This is why I don't go to sporting events. I'm too old and crotchety.
The after party was fun. We gave a ride to Minnie Juggs, Judy Gloom and her friend. Miss Gloom is such a sweetheart.
A while ago I went on a date to the Long Beach Aquarium. That guy hasn't called me since and that's actually OK with me. Here are some pictures:
Ruddy duck! He was soooo cute. He was sleeping on the water but with one foot out. Any time he'd get too close to the sides or the rocks, he'd furiously paddle his wittle footie!
Date wanted me to pet the ray. I said no.
I love these leafy sea dragons:
Can't write an entry with a Squee picture or five.
When I picked this up at the Container Store the first thing requiem said was "I bet Squee gets in it." Took a few weeks, but there you have it, a new tree house:
He's also gotten into this habit of rolling around in front of the bedroom door. He's looking up because I'd called his name. It's like he's saying, "Wha?"
Additionally, I'm really fucking tired of people nitpicking the shit my department does. If we miss one homonym out of the four papers we're putting together, I think we're doing pretty damn well. I invite those people to come do my job for a week. I want to see how long they'd last. Harumph!
Went to another Derby Dolls game. The Swam from San Diego are really great at blocking. Fight Crew just could not get past the blockers. I think FC also got too many penalties resulting in too many players sitting out the jams.
I bought a Varsity Brawlers softball type shirt and it's perfect. It makes me look suer slender but with giant bristols (thanks EnglandAway). I'm figuring I'll get FC's and Tough Cookies' next. I didn't like the Sirens because it seemed rather plain, but we'll see. I also want Tara Armov's shirt. "Better Red than Dead," brilliant.
I'm sad I won't be able to make the next game as I'll be in SF. You people should go. VIP tickets are well worth the money (I know, $40 is a lot). Get there early to get good seats. Sadly, we got stuck in front of a group that acted like they knew everything about the Dolls (I won't pretend I know all, but hey I've gone to enough games to know about the time they started using pivots, unlike those people who kept saying, "I don't know about this pivot thing. It must be new." Actually, it's almost a year old, ding bat).
During the first half I sat next to a young man (OK so he's probably about my age) who must have had a very small penis based on his behavior. Stomping the stands so hard you knock other people's beers down is pretty stupid not to mention wasteful and not very green.
The people in front of us had signs for their friend/family member. That's cool, but it isn't necessary to hold them up during most of the game, especially when your player ain't even on the field, yo. To make matters worse, they decided to stand during some of the better jams. I felt like tapping them on the shoulder and explaining that the point of paying for VIP is so I don't have to stand. And they kept pulling out cameras, which are verboten. Kinda pisses requiem and I off because we'd like to take pictures of the people we know. This is why I don't go to sporting events. I'm too old and crotchety.
The after party was fun. We gave a ride to Minnie Juggs, Judy Gloom and her friend. Miss Gloom is such a sweetheart.
A while ago I went on a date to the Long Beach Aquarium. That guy hasn't called me since and that's actually OK with me. Here are some pictures:
Ruddy duck! He was soooo cute. He was sleeping on the water but with one foot out. Any time he'd get too close to the sides or the rocks, he'd furiously paddle his wittle footie!

Date wanted me to pet the ray. I said no.

I love these leafy sea dragons:

Can't write an entry with a Squee picture or five.
When I picked this up at the Container Store the first thing requiem said was "I bet Squee gets in it." Took a few weeks, but there you have it, a new tree house:

He's also gotten into this habit of rolling around in front of the bedroom door. He's looking up because I'd called his name. It's like he's saying, "Wha?"

finally got rid of him, eh?
was at the LB aquarium a while ago with my class, and i brought my 3 year old niece (2 finger rule to pet the fish lol), we had a lot of fun haha. anything in sglb coming up? i would like to attend..