My weekend in photos:
I had to work Saturday so I took Friday off in exchange. I drove up to good old Paso Robles for a Christmas party with good old requiem. I gave him his Christmas present early because I wasn't sure if he'd come down before the holiday (and I didn't want to risk taking it on the plane).
So this:

is here:

I got myself the cheetah with the eye patch. Once I matte and frame it I'll take a picture.
Saturday blew as I'd spent part of the wee hours of the morning puking up dinner. Thanks alcohol, you totally ruined some yummy food!
I had to stop in Torrance to get gas and it was depressing for me because I remembered all the good stuff about RS. Note to self: Don't ever go to the South Bay area.
My parents were here. Dad and I were going to go for a bike ride this morning but instead we just had breakfast and went to Costco. I got toothbrushes.
Since then I've been working on my bridal magazine. We are down to the wire and I feel so lost and disorganized. But I'm getting it done and it's easier this time than last, mainly because I have the Internet and a copy of the stupid program.
Before my parents left we had dinner. Dad decided that while Mom and I were chatting he was going to play with his new headlamp. Little did we know he was going to wear it:

My family is full of dorks. Trust!
I had to work Saturday so I took Friday off in exchange. I drove up to good old Paso Robles for a Christmas party with good old requiem. I gave him his Christmas present early because I wasn't sure if he'd come down before the holiday (and I didn't want to risk taking it on the plane).
So this:

is here:

I got myself the cheetah with the eye patch. Once I matte and frame it I'll take a picture.
Saturday blew as I'd spent part of the wee hours of the morning puking up dinner. Thanks alcohol, you totally ruined some yummy food!
I had to stop in Torrance to get gas and it was depressing for me because I remembered all the good stuff about RS. Note to self: Don't ever go to the South Bay area.
My parents were here. Dad and I were going to go for a bike ride this morning but instead we just had breakfast and went to Costco. I got toothbrushes.
Since then I've been working on my bridal magazine. We are down to the wire and I feel so lost and disorganized. But I'm getting it done and it's easier this time than last, mainly because I have the Internet and a copy of the stupid program.
Before my parents left we had dinner. Dad decided that while Mom and I were chatting he was going to play with his new headlamp. Little did we know he was going to wear it:

My family is full of dorks. Trust!
We have weird weather here.