I am as God intended me to be: alone.
I feel like a fool. I momentarily forgot my place in this world.
I am the practice run. I will never be permanent.
I really liked this one. THERE I SAID IT!!!! I had great feelings about this one.
And then I realized he would never make time for me. Sadly he realized it as well.
So now what do I do?
Revel in my solitude. I know I can't be in a relationship. Even being a "not the girlfriend" is setting myself up for disaster.
Anyone want to take me drinking?
I feel like a fool. I momentarily forgot my place in this world.
I am the practice run. I will never be permanent.
I really liked this one. THERE I SAID IT!!!! I had great feelings about this one.
And then I realized he would never make time for me. Sadly he realized it as well.
So now what do I do?
Revel in my solitude. I know I can't be in a relationship. Even being a "not the girlfriend" is setting myself up for disaster.
Anyone want to take me drinking?
You were the perfect hostess. You never once tried to take advantage of me even though you had the opportunity.
Thanks again for letting me crash with you.